Can you stop Visual Copy from breaking into different slides?

Mark Winder
Mark Winder Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

One feature that was introduced a couple of versions ago that is extremely irritating is that visual copy will automatically break down verses of poetry (like the Psalms) into different slides, one for each line. When I am trying to copy a few verses, they break down into multiple slides, and the only way that I can get them onto one slide is to go through each line and backspace seven times.

Does anyone know of a way that you can disable this feature and just get all of those verses onto one slide?



  • skypeace
    skypeace Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    I backspace like you do and play with the font sizes and the text box size also.  The present process is a bit irritating and I agree it would be nice to control the feature. 

  • Mark Winder
    Mark Winder Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    I did find one work around. You can open the visual copy, which will break the verses into several slides (ex. Psalm 103:15-22 breaks into 11 slides - argh!). But after visual copy opens, you can go back and select the text, then right click and copy verses "text only." Then go over to visual copy and in the body text box, hit CTRL A to select the whole text, then CTRL V to paste the "text only" into the box. The visual copy will then change from multiple slides to one slide - and it should also keep your reference in it. While still not efficient as it would be if Logos fixed the issue, it is better than having to delete each space to combine the slides into one.