TIP: When Searching isn't up to par, 'Rebuild Index'

Over the Logos4+ years (I guess, maybe 13 years?), I've seen the 'rebuild index' idea go back and forth, like the ocean tide. Typically staff was the 'waste of time', forum non-experts 'definitely!', and in-between 'depends'.
I loaded Verbum on my new MBP, a couple of months back; no resources. Then I selectively downloaded what I wanted. I'm guessing I've downloaded maybe 2/3's. Not all at once.
Today, I wanted to see more on 'Nora Stone'. It was discussed in the journal I was reading (odd fact ... name the non-Israel location most mentioned in the OT).
But my basic-search could barely find it. And not in the journal I was reading.
So I did a 'rebuild index' for the first time in 13 years. Took a bit to trick the command box. But an hour later, done! And now Nora Stone is well attested in my library.
I doubt 'rebuild index' is a common solution. But apparently 'indexing' isn't that reliable with segmented downloads?
DMB said:
Typically staff was the 'waste of time', forum non-experts 'definitely!', and in-between 'depends'.
Sometimes people suggest reindexing for things that are unrelated for indexing. This is when staff tends to jump in and say "waste of time".
Reindexing is the right tool for the job when searching doesn't return any results for simple one word searches. If that happens in a single resource, then reindex that resource. If it happens in multiple resources, then reindex everything.
Indexing should be perfectly reliable with segmented downloads. There have occasionally been various problems that have left indexes in an unstable state. Some of those problems might be due to past or current bugs, and some might be outside the control of the application.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer