BUG: Can't see column groupings when first clicking Analysis view in Search

The Analysis view in the Search window doesn’t display the current column groupings unless you add another column and then remove it. This was not always a problem but began somewhere in Logos 9. I can't see which column(s) the Analysis view is grouped by upon clicking the Analysis tab. I have to first add another column to get the grouping to show. Then I have to remove that added column to get the original grouping. This is confusing because sometimes you can’t immediately tell that the results are grouped and by which column.
See below: Results are grouped by Lemma and Gender, the last columns I used in the Search Analysis view, but they are not visible in the grouping section above the results (highlighted in yellow)
Notice that in order for the groupings to become visible I had to add a column to the grouping, in this case, Strong's number:
Once I remove the Strong's numbers column from the grouping, the original Lemma and Gender columns remain visible:
Please fix this quirk ASAP.
Bumping for daytime visibility.
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bumping again for attention. Can someone from Faithlife please respond?
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Thanks for the report. I've created a case for this bug.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Andrew, can you also add this issue to your bug report list? It also has to do with the Analysis view in Search: