Question: Seeing Dictionary/Encyclopedia Content from Guides

When I have multiple Guides open (e.g. Topic Guide, SSG, Factbook, etc), and they point to Dictionary/Encyclopedia articles, clicking on the article links will reuse the already open Dictionary/Encyclopedia pane. For example:
- Open Topic Guide to Topic A. It contains a link to Article 1 in ISBE. I click on that link to open ISBE window to Article 1.
- Open Topic Guide to Topic B. It contains a link to Article 2 in ISBE. I click on that link. Instead of opening a second ISBE window to Article 2, it replaces the article in the open ISBE window to show Article 2. When I'm done reading Article 2, I lose my place to Article 1. Sometime I inadvertently close the ISBE window and have to retrace my steps to go back to Article 1.
Is there a way to change this behavior, so that Logos opens a new Dictionary/Encyclopedia window with each click of an article link?
PL said:
Is there a way to change this behavior, so that Logos opens a new Dictionary/Encyclopedia window with each click of an article link?
I drag and drop when I want a new instance in a particular location.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Likewise. That is the best method that I am aware of. When I forget to do that, the Back arrow button helps.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Ah, I'll have to remember this trick going forward. Thank you!