Order of entries in the Factbook piclklist

What is the order of entries in the picklist for the Factbook? Is there a logic to this order of entries or are they random?
For example, if I enter "sacrifice" the entry for "Sacrifice in the OT" is far down the list. The first entry is Sacrifice (Cultural Ontology), which makes sense. The next one is about Figurative Language, then Related Senses, Cultural Concepts, Human Sacrifice and Daily Sacrifice. Then Sacrifice in the OT.
I am not sure if the order in the pick list is consistent. For "Mary", the first entry is "Mariology", rather than Mary the mother of Jesus or any of the other "Marys" in the Bible. The list of Marys in the Bible would be a better default.
Will the list of Factbook entries be the same for all users or is it dependent on what is in the user's Library?
bump for attention which is typical for Saturday 2
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."