Uploading Hidden Resources to 'Cloud Resources'.

Just reading/seeing about Cloud Resources, how can/may? I move my many hidden resources to the Cloud?
Can the upload be done en masse, directly from the Program Settings Hidden Resources window, without first unhiding the resources?
(I'm 'assuming' that the hidden resources still sit on my computer's drive; but then, there is the reference to 'downloading' a hidden resource if I unhide it.)
As an aside, it appears that both 'hidden' and 'cloud' resources get 'search-result-presented' the same way (though the Cloud Resources video seems to suggest more access without a download?).
G said:
Just reading/seeing about Cloud Resources, how can/may?
ALL of your Logos purchases are "in the cloud." On the desktop app, "cloud resources" refers to resources which you have NOT downloaded. You do not "upload" them.
G said:I move my many hidden resources to the Cloud?
"Hidden" resources are just that: Hidden. They will not appear "in the cloud" because they are "hidden." If you want to see them, you will have to unhide them first. NOTE: You can choose to unhide them but not download them. Typically people "hid" resources for one of two reasons 1) they really did not want to see that resource and/or 2) they did not have room on their device for it. Since the desktop app allows you to selectively download resources, the second reason carries less importance. Do note, however, that "cloud" resources do not appear in guides.
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Maybe some nomenclature (having read Alabama's answer):
- 'Cloud' just means you have a right/license to a resource on FL's contracted servers. They don't have thousands of the same resource somewhere.
- When you download, it's sending you a copy to which you have rights.
- Downloaded means you have a physical copy from a point in time (ergo updates, downloads a neecopy). You can't go back and get an earlier copy.
- Hidden means 'rights to' but not accessible (must unhide)
So, uploading would not do anything ... it's already on the server.
The exception is personal books unique to you; uploading them allows downloading to another device (essentially private storage).
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Hidden resources are not on your drive - the licenses for them are on your drive. You must unhide hidden resources to have them show in the cloud.
Resources that are not hidden you can either download or leave in the cloud. The book's information panel has a toggle for whether or not the resource is on your machine or just in the cloud. If you select multiple books, you can change the status for multiple books at the same time.
Hidden books are not included in search results; cloud books are sometimes included.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thank you JT.
For me, all my resources are initially downloaded, are therefore localized (and their updates thereafter), which downloads I have both set to AUTO.
When hiding resources then, the local copy is deleted and the resource -- even on the Logos servers -- is not 'searched' for me. (As opposed to Logos Cloud resources, which do get searched when I run a search and are available per the Help page.)
(I have had the occasion to 'unhide' resources when one of my notes embeds a link for a resource that I'd hidden post hoc; I've seen the subsequent download notice ... thanks for the "You can choose to unhide them but not download them" remark; I'd not noticed the option.)
And thanks for the comment that clouded resources do not appear in guides: Relatedly, when I next encounter a ('broken') link for a post hoc hidden resource, I'll take the hint and look for a resource not hidden that is (for me at least) equivalent.
Similarly, I need to attend to guide results that include 'equivalent' resources ... need to take the moment to hide (or not) one or the other or another.(I remember 40 years ago when the distinction between down/up load server/client was more obvious due to local capacities in the bytes/Kb ... and remember a neighbor a while back who insisted that his data pull to his PC was an upload ....)
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DMB, thanks.
Please see my response to JT; have I missed anything [*-)]
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MJ, thanks.
So, not seeing an 'unhide resource but leave it in the cloud' option in the Program Settings Hidden Resources box,
the Information panel's "downloaded" toggle is the mechanism to 'leave' the recovered resource 'up there'?That JT's "You can choose to unhide them but not download them" remark refers to a two-step process for unhiding a resource and leaving it in the cloud? First unhiding the resource; second, going to its panel and toggling?
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G said:
not seeing an 'unhide resource but leave it in the cloud' option in the Program Settings Hidden Resources box,
Thanks heavens, since there isn't one - I apologize for not being clearer. Unhide only makes the resource available/visible in the cloud. If you want to download it onto your device, that is a second step.
The i with a circle icon is the information panel in the library. On the resource itself, it is the "information" option on the panel menu (kebab, verticle 3 dots)
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Well... not deleted. You have to run a command afterwards to delete the useless but already downloaded resource.G said:When hiding resources then, the local copy is deleted and the resource -- even on the Logos servers -- is not 'searched' for me.
If this is just a single resource, it might not be worth your effort to figure that out. If you decide to have a "skinny" install, you would want to hunt down the command and change your preferences so that they don't redownload.macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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G said:
So, not seeing an 'unhide resource but leave it in the cloud' option in the Program Settings Hidden Resources box,
If you choose to unhide resources but not download them, you need to change your "download new resources" setting to NO.
There is basically two choices: Download everything OR Selective downloading. If you want to have some resources in your library but NOT download them, you need to choose the "selective downloading" option (the "NO" option).
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MJ. Smith said:
Unhide only makes the resource available/visible in the cloud. If you want to download it onto your device, that is a second step.
Well, not necessarily. As I just mentioned, it depends upon your download settings. If you have the "new resources" setting to automatically download, unhiding a resource will trigger the download (at some point... it might happen after some restarts).
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