Logos 9 Crashes on Startup

Logos 9 crashes on startup. Running Windows 10. It will run for a few seconds then close entirely, do not see it in task manager after it crashes. Uninstall and reinstall, and repair tool did not fix. Will attach log file.2313.LogosLogs.zip
Good morning Richard! [:)] Sorry you are having troubles [:s]
Richard Myles McKemie said:Logos 9 crashes on startup. Running Windows 10. It will run for a few seconds then close entirely, do not see it in task manager after it crashes.
The logos.log file does not show a crash... Did you grab the logs immediately after the crash (and before trying to open it again)?
In any case, you should try opening to a blank layout. Press and hold control key immediately upon startup. If that works, try opening your last layout. If that crashes, try building a new layout.
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