Right-Click a Link in Factbook for more options in Context Menu

I'm probably super late on this but I just "discovered" that you can right-click on links in the Factbook to get more options through the Context Menu.
For example, I was trying to get the Factbook to open the Biblical Event Navigator but couldn't figure out for the life of me how to do it. (There used to be a link to "Open Biblical Event Navigator" in Logos 8 for Biblical Event entries but that's been removed.) I tried clicking on Event "breadcrumbs" at the top of the Factbook entry hoping that I could open them in the Event Navigator with no success. Then I right-clicked on one of the events and behold, the Context Menu opened! Maybe I'm late (or forgot), but I didn't know you could open the Context Menu from the Factbook. From there I was able to click on the event on the left and then open the Event Navigator on the right.
This also works for Biblical Senses in the Factbook. If you left-click a sense, it (annoyingly) takes you to another Factbook entry with no additional info (although at least that page gives you a link to the Bible Sense Lexicon). However, you can also right-click a sense and get a link to the Sense Lexicon from the Context Menu.
If you knew this already, carry on. If not, hopefully this is helpful to someone.