Importing BIbleWorks notes to Logos 9

Dan Phillips
Dan Phillips Member Posts: 335 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am a longtime BibleWorks user, finally trying to move over fully to Logos. Perhaps most treasured was BibleWorks' ability to have instant notes of any size on individual verses, to create or to display.

I am debating whether it's better to merge all my notes into MS Word documents, or use Logos notes.

In favor of the former: all the features of a word processor, and one unified document. Against: 66 documents! Have to open for each book! Probably too much for one document...or it would be ungainly.

So I tried importing notes to Logos, using these instructions:

I tried it twice. Each time it imported the same 1503 files, then stopped. I'm sure I have thousands of files. This only got me the "1"s -- 1 Kings but not 2 Kings; 1 Chronicles but not 2 Chronicles; 1 John but not 2 or 3 John.

And then there's the issue of the User Lexicon notes. Sigh.

I welcome any and all helpful thoughts on this, particularly if you're also a former BW user. Thanks!

Win10 home; 32GB RAM; i7 - 10700 CPU @ 3. 80 GHz (10th gen, 8 cores); GTX 950 Video Card (2GB); SSD



  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭

    Hi Dan, I remember your name from the BW forums! I too mourn its loss. 

    I did import all my notes, but because of mismatched functionality, I lost, in essence, chapter notes and lexical notes. It's been quite a while since I did it, and can't recall if I had any real issues. I'll try to take a look again.

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭

    Hi Dan, I remember your name from the BW forums! I too mourn its loss. 

    I did import all my notes, but because of mismatched functionality, I lost, in essence, chapter notes and lexical notes. It's been quite a while since I did it, and can't recall if I had any real issues. I'll try to take a look again.

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • Dan Phillips
    Dan Phillips Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    Win10 home; 32GB RAM; i7 - 10700 CPU @ 3. 80 GHz (10th gen, 8 cores); GTX 950 Video Card (2GB); SSD

  • Dan Phillips
    Dan Phillips Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    Update of sorts: I tried it again on a much faster network, and got 1504 files — a gain of one.

    Win10 home; 32GB RAM; i7 - 10700 CPU @ 3. 80 GHz (10th gen, 8 cores); GTX 950 Video Card (2GB); SSD

  • Dan Phillips
    Dan Phillips Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    Another update: I called Help. They said the notes import function was only for Logos 8; there was an unstated expiration date, and it is not supported for 9. So me and my thousands of notes are just out of luck.

    Logos is 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 a powerful application, it boggles my mind that little relatively-stripped-down BibleWorks so decimated it in this one crucial way, and still does.

    Win10 home; 32GB RAM; i7 - 10700 CPU @ 3. 80 GHz (10th gen, 8 cores); GTX 950 Video Card (2GB); SSD

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,071

    My best guess is that one of your files failed to convert, and that's preventing the rest of them from being converted. You could try importing them in batches of 100 or 500 (by moving them to a different folder and/or using "import BibleWorks notes from C:\path\to\folder") until you find the one (or ones) that aren't working. That should at least let you bring most of your BibleWorks notes over into Logos.

    Looking at the importer source code, it appears that there might be limitations with importing notes attached to:

    • Daniel (Greek)
    • Joshua (A)
    • Judges (A)
    • Tobit (S)
    • Susanna (TH)
    • Daniel (TH)
    • Bel and the Dragon (TH)

    If you have notes on passages for those books, you may have to exclude them.

  • Dan Phillips
    Dan Phillips Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    Win10 home; 32GB RAM; i7 - 10700 CPU @ 3. 80 GHz (10th gen, 8 cores); GTX 950 Video Card (2GB); SSD