Note → Char Count → Atomic Note → Atomic Result

I know this is maybe not the best idea ever.
It would be usefull if notes have a character count. Search results truncate to about 199 characters. If the character count is visible in a note then an atomic idea can be worded to fit a search result. This will increase the value of a search. The thought put into the design of the note will increase recall. This will only be valuable if you take short atomic notes. Take a look at the screenshot to apreciate the idea.
Screenshot Atomic Idea
If not a good idea for notes then at least it is a small tutorial on taking atomic notes in a Notebook.
I can't validly say, as how I don't use 'notes' in Logos, except highlighting.
But that said, in my own Bible software, I have the same concept (255 char warning bell), which is then applied in various ways thru-out the software. One you don't mention (and not in Logos), is the ease of tight side-by-side and text-inserts for verse/note matching (vs the Logos approach of linking, icons, etc).