Re-using a PG...where are they stored?

During my "testing" I re ran a PG a few times to get screen shots and such and noticed that there is a disclaimer on the PG if you've run an identical PG before....
"see also Passage guide | 1 Peter 1:1-2 (duplicate) today 2:16 pm"
I looked in the files section to re-use the other original one but it wasn't there...
Can someone shed light on what this is about and can we re-use PG's after they are long closed?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
This is a display for any guides that you ran that intersect the current passage.
The best way to save a passage guide is to start one and search a passage and then drag-drop the tab into your shortcuts. It isn't really a document file so it won't show up in the file menu.
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George Allakhverdyan said:
This is a display for any guides that you ran that intersect the current passage.
The best way to save a passage guide is to start one and search a passage and then drag-drop the tab into your shortcuts. It isn't really a document file so it won't show up in the file menu.
I created a custom template with only the "My Content" section. Then I ran a guide on Gen-Rev. This showed all the guides I had created and generates it in only a second or two. Then I opened up the favorites, and dragged and dropped the ones I wanted to keep from the Content Guide into a favorites folder called "Guides." Whenever I want to revisit a guide now, I can just go to my favorites.
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I guess my question is this:
IF the other guide doesn't really exist where I can utilize it in some fashion....why mention it?
It would only be useful if it was used like this: "See also passage guide 1 Peter 1:1-2 ran this morning at 2am"
And then allow me to click that instead of running the one that I was going to run...otherwise it's useless info isn't it?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
I guess my question is this:
IF the other guide doesn't really exist where I can utilize it in some fashion....why mention it?
It would only be useful if it was used like this: "See also passage guide 1 Peter 1:1-2 ran this morning at 2am"
And then allow me to click that instead of running the one that I was going to run...otherwise it's useless info isn't it?
I believe this is exactly what you can do. Suppose you run a passage guide on 1 peter 1:1-2, but you've also run an exegetical guide on it. It would show up as a "see also" and you could click it to open up the previous guide. This also allows you to see the notes you attached to the various segments. Suppose you're in a passage guide for 1 Peter 1:1-2 and you've put a not that such and such a commentary talks about the dispersion. When you open the saved report, you see that note.
The one function I wish was available would be to delete passage guides. As near as I can tell you can't. I wish you could right-click a guide in the "My Content" pane and have an option to delete.
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I recommend a screen of some sort that would let us access the recently created passage guides without puttin ghtem up on the shortcut menu. It is sorta silly to make us do the "hack" of creating a guide that only shows "My Content" and then typing gen-rev as the means to access these guides.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Philip Spitzer said:Robert Pavich said:
I guess my question is this:
IF the other guide doesn't really exist where I can utilize it in some fashion....why mention it?
It would only be useful if it was used like this: "See also passage guide 1 Peter 1:1-2 ran this morning at 2am"
And then allow me to click that instead of running the one that I was going to run...otherwise it's useless info isn't it?
The one function I wish was available would be to delete passage guides. As near as I can tell you can't. I wish you could right-click a guide in the "My Content" pane and have an option to delete.
Since I haven't been able to fire up the beta in a week , my memory maybe incorrect but I thought you could access and delete them (right click) from Files menu under guides....correct me if I am wrong...
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I don't believe so Andrew.
I'm still left with WHY this is a useful feature???
I run a PG against John 1:1
Two hours later I do the same search. Instead of storing the search AND STOPPING ME and offering to USE the previous search with all it's pregotten results; it just says "see also...."
What good is that again?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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I'm with you guys, I'm starting to see several of them in a row because of the way I study. I have two on Neh. 6:1-9 and one on 6:4-9. I have a similar stack on 1 Peter, and I can't wait till I dig into my Luke studies in the next few weeks, I'm going to have zillions.
Do they serve an actual purpose other than filling up space?
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Robert Pavich said:
I don't believe so Andrew.
I'm still left with WHY this is a useful feature???
I run a PG against John 1:1
Two hours later I do the same search. Instead of storing the search AND STOPPING ME and offering to USE the previous search with all it's pregotten results; it just says "see also...."
What good is that again?
no worries as I said the memory is a bit foggy...haven't cleared out all that dust yet...
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These saved guides will remember which sections are
expanded/collapsed, added/deleted sections, section settings, notes,
and perhaps a few other things. They should be limited to the top three with a "more" link if more exist, so it shouldn't take up to much space.User Interface Designer - Logos Bible Software
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Darren Paul Wright said:
These saved guides will remember which sections are
expanded/collapsed, added/deleted sections, section settings, notes,
and perhaps a few other thingsThis method is very indirect and I haven't seen these "reminders" - but "My" Passage Guide doesn't remember which sections I collapsed even when I save one as a shortcut!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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So I'll ask practically are they used?
You go to run a PG on John 1:1-14 and when you have run your PG it says "see also the other PG on john 1:1-14...
So why is that useful?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: