Tags, Labels and searching differences

Thiago Samico
Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


Now I am more acquainted with Logos (Diamond Base package, 2 months using) and started using tags and labels. 

I am reading my books (many PBBs) using notebooks related to the books and trying to create a "second brain" inspired by the Zettlekasten method (not so strict, though). 

I understand the difference between labels and tags. 

Using tags, I can do a basic search like "Moses NEAR visitation" and the results will include any crossing between these two tags. 

However, even using the Label "Moses - Attribute: Person: Moses", it seems not to be related to anything on the Logos search. 

I hoped that using such a label, I could relate it to Moses (Person) occurrence, linking it to my note anyhow. For example, on a Basic search, Factbook, or anything like that. 

Can anyone clarify labels interactions within searches, please?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,144

    Using tags, I can do a basic search like "Moses NEAR visitation" and the results will include any crossing between these two tags.

    Technically this isn't using tagging (or labels) at all. It is simply searching for why those two text strings are near each other.

    For example, on a Basic search, Factbook, or anything like that. 

    The Basic search you show should have returned results for when the person of Moses appears in any of your resources. What did happen when you ran the search?

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    Graham, thank you for your reply!

    Maybe you are not aware of it, but yes, this search syntax includes tags occurences and crosses between them. 

    The result shown on the picture is not reffering to a plain text occurence but to a crossed tag one. See new image below. 

    Check the note contents below:

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,144

    Maybe you are not aware of it, but yes, this search syntax includes tags occurences and crosses between the

    Apologies Thiago

    I had missed the point you were wanting to do this on labels attached to notes - I am not sure that this is possible.

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    No worries, dear brother!

    I am still longing to understand how labels behave on Search. How do the labels I create integrate with Logos Software. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,775

    The search syntax for your own labels is exactly the same as for FL supplied labels. For a user version of the Sermon label, it processes exactly the same way as the FL sermon. If you provide a screenshot of your label definition, I may be able to give you are more precise answer.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    Thank you MJ. 

    In this example, the excerpt from the book is talking about Moses and the Burning bush. 

    So I created a Label called "Moses" and used the attributes "Person" and chose "Moses" (provided by Logos as a suggestion) and the attribute "Event" and chose God shows Himself to Moses in a Bruning bush (also provided by Logos). 

    What's my goal? To have this note listed and related to "Person" Moses and "Event". 

    The best result would be when I am reading the Bible and Person Moses occurs I have the option to see my notes linked. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,775

    One would rarely define a label as narrow as "Moses" - set the Concordance section of the Passage Guide to get a sense of how Faithlife uses labels. But for your definition:

    • you can search for all occurrences of the label where the property person is Moses or any other person for whom you have created a label
    • you can search for all occurrences of the label where the property event is "God shows Himself to Moses in a Bruning bush" or any other event for which you have created a label
    • you can search for all occurrences of the label where the property person is Moses and the property event is "God shows Himself to Moses in a Bruning bush"

    Naturally, you can test for not a particular value, or one of several values, etc.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,098

    Using tags, I can do a basic search like "Moses NEAR visitation"

    For tags in your Notes, you can refine this by using mytag:Moses AND mytag:visitation (the note must have both tags).

    However, even using the Label "Moses - Attribute: Person: Moses", it seems not to be related to anything on the Logos search. 

    The label search will find results in the resource, not in your Notes  e.g.  {Label Moses WHERE Event ~ <Event God appears to Moses in a burning bush> AND Person ~ <Person Moses>}

    Please ask for clarification if necessary.


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