Collection Rule

Pastor Michael Huffman
Pastor Michael Huffman Member Posts: 449 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos has a Puritan Collection; and what I was wondering is if anyone has a collection rule that they would be willing to share that includes those titles? Thanks!



  • James C.
    James C. Member Posts: 453 ✭✭

    Here are the two I have:

    Author:("Bates, William", "Baxter, Richard", "Beeke, Joel R.", "Brook, Benjamin", "Brooks, Thomas", "Bunyan, John", "Burroughs, Jeremiah", "Charnock, Stephen", "Clarkson, David", "Edwards, Jonathan", "Flavel, John", "Foxe, John", "Goodwin, Thomas", "Henry, Philip", "Hopkins, Ezekiel", "Howe, John", "Jacomb, Thomas", "Manton, Thomas", "Marshall, Walter", "Murray, David", "Neal, Daniel", "Owen, John", "Packer, J. I.", "Polhill, Edward", "Poole, Matthew", "Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary", "Ridgley, Thomas", "Scougal, Henry", "Scudder, Henry", "Sibbes, Richard", "Swinnock, George", "Traill, Robert", "Ussher, James") OR Publisher:("Richard Owen Roberts")

    And the second one: 

    subject:puritan OR subject:puritanism 

    I hope that helps. 

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,624 ✭✭✭

    Here's one I have. May be worth cross-checking some names to see who was left out or wrongly included.

    Author:("Bates, William", "Baxter, Richard", "Beeke, Joel R.", "Brook, Benjamin", "Brooks, Thomas", "Bunyan, John", "Burroughs, Jeremiah", "Cartwright, Thomas", "Charnock, Stephen", "Clarkson, David", "Cotton, John", "Cradock, Samuel", "Dyke, Daniel", "Edwards, Jonathan", "Elton, Edward", "Flavel, John", "Foxe, John", "Giffard, George", "Goodwin, Thomas", "Henry, Philip", "Holland, Hezekiah", "Hopkins, Ezekiel", "Howe, John", "Jacomb, Thomas", "Keach, Benjamin", "Love, William DeLoss", "Manton, Thomas", "Marshall, Walter", "Murray, David", "Neal, Daniel", "Owen, John", "Packer, J. I.", "Polhill, Edward", "Poole, Matthew", "Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary", "Ridgley, Thomas", "Scougal, Henry", "Scudder, Henry", "Sibbes, Richard", "Smith, Henrie", "Stock, Richard", "Swinnock, George", "Symson, A.", "Traill, Robert", "Turnbull, Richard", "Ussher, James", "Vincent, Thomas", "Withington, Leonard") OR Publisher:("Richard Owen Roberts")

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.