Logos 10 loses my books



  • Bede
    Bede Member Posts: 44 ✭✭


    Thank you, the new update seems to have fixed it.

    After updating the Verbum app this morning (GMT) and checking the library, it took a short while (about a minute) with a progress bar at the top of the screen before showing ticks for downloaded books and the download symbol for other books. I tried downloading one and it worked.

    Then I updated the Faithlife ebooks app, with the same result. There is no update yet for the Logos app; presumably FLare waiting for feedback on the other two (probably less widely-used) apps before rolling it out.(If that is so, it might help them if others using Verbum or Faithlife ebooks can also report back.)

    Once again, thank you.

  • Pam Larson
    Pam Larson Member Posts: 683 ✭✭

    I'm having the same issue with Logos 10 Mobile on my tablet (Android 11) and on my phone (Android 13).

    I have not yet upgraded to Logos 10 on my computer.

  • Graham Stock
    Graham Stock Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Here is my experience of the problem:  When seeking to download to my Android phone any of the resources that I definitely own – and are already stored on my Windows computer running Logos 8, but have not as yet been saved to my smartphone – I receive this message: “This book is only available online because it is not part of your Logos Bible Software library.”  All books previously downloaded and secure on my phone continue to be available for offline access, but not the rest of the library that I have purchased.  This is very puzzling.

    It seems that many other users, who previously had no such issue, are now experiencing similar difficulties and so apparently something is amiss with the updated Android app itself and they are not caused, e.g., by logging in problems.

    As I constantly use Logos on my phone, the alternative of tardy online retrieval of material is, I am sure you will understand, an extremely frustrating and gloomy prospect and is manifestly completely unsatisfactory.

    Please, please; this bug needs to be fixed … and urgently.  Break out the insect spray and oil the rusty lock on the invaluable, incomparable Logos treasure chest!

    (The urgency and personal importance of this issue may be gauged by the fact that this is the very first time I have ever posted on any internet forum in over a quarter of a century online.)

  • Gary Pajkos
    Gary Pajkos Member Posts: 171 ✭✭

    I have the same problem on my Samsung tablet and my Amazon Fire 8 tablet, but not on my iPhone. My iPhone has version 10.0.1 and the two android tablets have version 10.0.0. There is no update on Google Play or the Amazon store. 

  • Raquel
    Raquel Member Posts: 1

    Glad to know it wasn't just me. I just recently changed Phones, and noticed that my latest Phone (Google Pixel 7 Pro) was experiencing the same issue as everyone else here. Hopefully, a fix is released soon. Thank you for your efforts!

  • Jeff Moore
    Jeff Moore Member Posts: 28 ✭✭

    For those that are unaware, this is an issue that Logos is aware of and is working on providing a solution for.  There is even a thread that discusses this very thing.  Oh, wait, it's this thread.

  • Joseph Combs
    Joseph Combs Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I have the NKJV bible on Android in Logos 10, but not online in the web app or in the windows version.It may be that inclusion in the Android app was itself a bug, so I purchased the NKJV this morning.

  • Stephen Rybacki
    Stephen Rybacki Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    As a developer, I understand these things, however, the latest trend in the industry at large is to make the user base Beta testers whether they like it or not since timelines seem to be immutable in the business world.

    I'd sure hate to think Faithlife does things this way, especially since many people have a significant investment.

    Personally, I just got the Bronze Feature upgrade to my Silver package since I am not a pastor and only really wish to deep dive into the study of God's word.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    I'd sure hate to think Faithlife does things this way, especially since many people have a significant investment.

    I hate to tell you, but this is actually a recommendation by nameless forum participants ... fast development, ship it and fix it.

    Normally I'm not uncomfortable with that; 'fix it' usually is pretty quick (sometimes hours).  But the L10 ship (for me) was/is a major kludge.  Both the mobiles and the desktop have major bugs, and limited communication from bug-HQ ... this AM I felt sorry for Ali, starting so early.

  • Darren Swartzendruber
    Darren Swartzendruber Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Hopefully accessing our resources offline is fixed soon. It really affected me yesterday during a prayer service. Glad I had e-Sword downloaded to my tablet!

  • Stephen Rybacki
    Stephen Rybacki Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    DMB said:

    I'd sure hate to think Faithlife does things this way, especially since many people have a significant investment.

    I hate to tell you, but this is actually a recommendation by nameless forum participants ... fast development, ship it and fix it.

    Normally I'm not uncomfortable with that; 'fix it' usually is pretty quick (sometimes hours).  But the L10 ship (for me) was/is a major kludge.  Both the mobiles and the desktop have major bugs, and limited communication from bug-HQ ... this AM I felt sorry for Ali, starting so early.

    I guess I'm old school, but every application I ever wrote was thoroughly tested on all platforms it could run on by an independent tester whose job it was to break it until they couldn't anymore.  I'm sure that it'll get fixed, but "what if" the fix isn't possible at all?  I've seen this before and it has killed lesser developers.


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,625

    DMB said:

    I hate to tell you, but this is actually a recommendation by nameless forum participants ... fast development, ship it and fix it.

    Uh? I don't remember this and I think I would because it is so wrong in so many ways.

    I guess I'm old school, but every application I ever wrote was thoroughly tested on all platforms it could run on by an independent tester whose job it was to break it until they couldn't anymore.

    Unfortunately, the Android platform is harder to run public betas on. While there were a few known problems and incomplete features in the RC's, this release has gone relatively smoothly. Have you worked with people who programmed for ATM's or MRI machines? If you do, you know that no commercial public software comes close to a zero error rate policy. I spent decades on payroll/personnel applications with 30,000+ critics twice a month, I know something about accuracy and stability. However, we had much more control over the platforms on which the applications had to perform. FL is a small company with a history of less than perfect testing and less than completed features. But can we keep the expectations and complaints realistic? I've spent 4 hours at night with a Chinese programmer tracking down a failure in a major XML editor. For several years, I could crash Microsoft Word at will. The "unable to break it" rule is highly dependent on the skill and imagination of the tester. If you think of the reported problems in a scatterplot, most of them are concentrated in the hardest to test and widest variety of systems areas. In the next cycle, perhaps the beta testers will concentrate more heavily on them. This cycle, the concentration was generally on the first platform to have the new/modified feature.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Stephen Rybacki
    Stephen Rybacki Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Unfortunately, the Android platform is harder to run public betas on. While there were a few known problems and incomplete features in the RC's, this release has gone relatively smoothly. Have you worked with people who programmed for ATM's or MRI machines? If you do, you know that no commercial public software comes close to a zero error rate policy. I spent decades on payroll/personnel applications with 30,000+ critics twice a month, I know something about accuracy and stability. However, we had much more control over the platforms on which the applications had to perform. FL is a small company with a history of less than perfect testing and less than completed features. But can we keep the expectations and complaints realistic? I've spent 4 hours at night with a Chinese programmer tracking down a failure in a major XML editor. For several years, I could crash Microsoft Word at will. The "unable to break it" rule is highly dependent on the skill and imagination of the tester.

    Yeah, I believe you.  It's useless to complain about it, and I know it.  This is one of the reasons I got out of development to become a full time data engineer.  The industry has definitely passed me by and I have no regrets switching fields back in 2010.  I guess you could say I saw the handwriting on the wall [;)]

  • Bede
    Bede Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    At the risk of suggesting everyone become a beta-tester, can I suggest downloading either the Verbum or the Faithlife ebooks app. Both of these received an update yesterday, which is working on my phone. The Logos app hasn't yet received that update and still isn't working. Whether FL is using those two apps to tst the update I don't know, but it might get you a usable app.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 685 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    While there were a few known problems and incomplete features in the RC's, this release has gone relatively smoothly....

    I hate to disagree MJ but I think the quality of the final product Android is fairly poor. There are a number of fairly serious issue which are easily identified by end users and materially affect the products function. For instance, books cannot be downloaded, many functions relying on the library don't work throughout the app. I'm pretty disappointed by the quality of what has been shipped compared to the desktop version.

    Plus there is a host of more minor issue which should have been identified in the QA process too. It's not reasonable to expect perfection however the number of bugs creeping through seems substantially above what I think users ought to bear. For me parts of the app are rendered unusable for some users.

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    Paul M said:

    There are a number of fairly serious issue which are easily identified by end users and materially affect the products function. For instance, books cannot be downloaded, many functions relying on the library don't work throughout the app. I'm pretty disappointed by the quality of what has been shipped compared to the desktop version.

    That issue is proving to be quite widespread now, but it's certainly not affecting all Android users. It affected my first install but not my second, and that's the same exact device on the same OS for the same user. Testers can only report issues that they encounter or can reproduce, and if all goes well on the first boot, I don't think this issue comes up at all.

    I have encountered far worse in apps that have been available to the public for some time. We're a week in to a dramatically increased user base trying the app out in a ton of different scenarios. Stuff will inevitably come up, and the most you can hope for is a quick response from the team and good communication and I think we're getting both.

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 685 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the comments James. For reference my second install manifested the same issue. I too have experienced far worse in apps, however for an app that costs as much as logos, with > 1m installs etc I think the quality isn't at the desired level, certainly from my user experience. It is probably worth noting that the vast majority of issues reported on this forum to Faithlife regarding the Android App are met with a confirmation that the issue can be reproduced and wil be fixed. That tells us that these are not hard to find issues but are straightforward to repro. In essence the Logos QA effort didn't pick up a whole number of issues in the final build.  Hence my comments...

  • Darren Swartzendruber
    Darren Swartzendruber Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Paul M said:

    Logos QA effort didn't pick up a whole number of issues in the final build.

    This is a perasive issue across MANY Android installations - unless you are all running Android 12L on a Galaxy Tab (or Android 12 on a Samsung S22 Ultra). This SHOULD have been picked in testing. (I say this as a full-time software developer for the last 35+ years.)

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,625

    This SHOULD have been picked in testing

    Anytime I see "should" used in this sense, I am reminded of a retired naval chaplain whose favorite maxim was "Don't should your life away." [;)]

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 2

    Any word yet? Going off grid soon and really need to download books!

  • Truefriend Seo
    Truefriend Seo Member Posts: 5

    Bede said:

    The 'No books in library opened from tab' issue has been reported on a few threads and they're looking into it. I've got the same problem myself

    Thanks for your kind reply. It isn't critical for me since I can open books through library icon on the bottom menubar directly. I think disabling the function until it get fixed is also a good way for now.

    I found many users suffer same(similar) problem here. Just waiting for good news, thanks!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,625

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    MJ I agree, this has been a pretty smooth roll out compared to years past, and compared to other new product releases I've been a part of.

    McAfee for instance. I was a beta tester for years. I can count on one finger the number of years I didn't end up reloading windows because something mcafee had tried corrupted my os installation.

    I think there is actually even a press release out there with my name on it for mcafee.

    10 has been remarkably stable for me, across the full range of devices I'm using (Ipad, Iphone, Macbook Air, and PC).

    I'm pretty happy all things considered.

    The one glitch I had was not getting a couple licenses I've paid for. Apparently they are going to fix that though, so thats good. :)

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    This has been fixed in the latest Android update: 10.0.2 1000029300. Thank you for your patience!

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Bede
    Bede Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    Thank you. I now have Logos as well as Faithlife and Verbum working.

  • Stephen Rybacki
    Stephen Rybacki Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Ali Pope said:

    This has been fixed in the latest Android update: 10.0.2 1000029300. Thank you for your patience!

    Thank you Ali. And thank the devs too!

  • Graham Stock
    Graham Stock Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    That’s great news … and a relief.  Thanks to all those responsible for sorting this glitch out.  One thing I did discover was that the Faithlife Ebooks app could be used as a rough temporary workaround.

  • Greg Turley
    Greg Turley Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Ali Pope said:

    This has been fixed in the latest Android update: 10.0.2 1000029300. Thank you for your patience!

    Thank you!