Searching for Multiple Words

Having a problem with searching for multiple terms. For example, If I want to look for verses that reference both Saul and Samuel, I would first type in the word Saul. Then from the drop-down menu, I would select "Saul (king) Man, a king." which has the litter person icon in front of it. Then I would use the AND operator. Then I would type in Samuel. From the drop-down menu I would select "Samuel (prophet) Man, A Judge, A Prophet, A Seer, Levite." Then it SHOULD add the second search selection and search for verses containing references to both people. I've done searches like this 100's of times in the past and it's always worked fine. Since getting the Logos 10 full feature upgrade, it no longer works. When I click on the second term from the drop-down menu, it just replaces the first term that I've already chosen. It will not allow me to add a second search term. I know I can just type in "Saul AND Samuel" and this will work fine. But I want to use the person feature, so it searches for any reference to them including pronouns and such.
Although I used the simple example of searching for people, what I really use this most for is Hebrew and Greek terms. Therefore, I don't want to just type in exact words, but I want to do lemma searching without having to type in the whole lemma formula twice. It's much easier to just use the drop-down selection twice like I always used to. Can anyone help me here? Am I missing something? Or is this just a feature that has now been removed for some unknown reason? Thanks, Jeff
Thanks for this bug report! We can reproduce the issue and will fix it as soon as we can.
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Excellent! Thank you!