Factbook has a long way to go

Sean McIntyre
Sean McIntyre Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I opened up the Factbook today to do some preparation for a series on the image of God. Under the heading recommended reading were two books; both reformed and both not in my library. Are reformed resources the only ones with anything to say about such a huge topic? Are none of the almost 7,000 resources I have already purchased worthy of recommendation on this topic??

Also, none of the resources in my library were included. That is, no articles, no resources and no factbook tags.



  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭

    I think you're referencing the "Recommend Resources" under the Lexham Survey of Theology, which is the first entry in the FactBook. If so, I fully agree. This list is not curated from your library; it's just a few titles they chose to promote from their particular perspective. By and large, it is hopeless (I say this as a former professor of systematic theology).

    However, if you scroll down in the FactBook, it should list sections from all the tagged systematic theologies in your library, which is rather more useful:

    This list is also available from the Theology Guide (not to be confused with the Systematic Theology guide.) Most of these will still be reformed as they write the majority of systematic theologies.

  • Sean McIntyre
    Sean McIntyre Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭

    Strangely nothing from my own resources is listed, whereas the topic guide is very well populated. I’m wondering whether Factbook relies heac on searching local resources as many of mine in the cloud. I’ll try downloading more of my resources and see whether it makes a difference. Search seems to access cloud based resources as does topic guide.