Collection Rule

Does anyone have a "collection rule" of just Reformed Commentaries that they would be willing to share? Thank you!
I have a few options. (Some of these are based on my tags, which should be self-evident.)
Commentaries, Reformed- Type:"Bible Commentary" AND (Series:"Baker New Testament",Title:(Olshausen,Reformation)) OR mytag:"reformed" OR mytag:ColTag_Ref
Commentaries, Reformed and Conservative- author:macarthur OR author:carson OR series:treasury OR series:american OR title:gleanings OR series:"reformed expository commentary" OR mytag:ColTag_Ref OR mytag:ColTag_Cons
Commentaries: Historical (Reformation) (Barnes)- type:bible-commentary (series:("A Body of Divinity", "Calvin’s Commentaries", "Luther’s Works", "Reformation Commentary on Scripture", "The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori", "The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide", "The Works of Rev. John Lightfoot") OR mytag:commentary-reformation OR (series:"Crossway Classic Commentaries" AND author:(Calvin, Henry, Leighton, Luther, Manton, Owen))
These aren't ideal...I made some of them early on and as I added reformed commentaries later, I tagged them rather than including series names. There are several reformed series that could easily be added.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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An update of (Historical: Reformation) by Barnes: ---> you can get it from Documents > Public > Add to your docs
type:bible-commentary ({Series "Calvin’s Commentaries", "Luther’s Works", "Reformation Commentary on Scripture", "The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori", "The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide", "The Works of Rev. John Lightfoot"} OR {Author "Adams, Thomas","Ames, William","Benefield, Sebastian","Burroughs, Jeremiah","Calvin, John","Colet, John","Cotton, John","Daubuz, Charles","Downame, John","Durham, James","Dyke, Daniel","Gill, John","Guyon, Jeanne","Henry, Matthew","Holland, Hezekiah","Knollys, Hanserd","Leighton, Robert","Manton, Thomas","Luther, Martin","Owen, John","Newton, George","Patrick, Simon","Perkins, William","Poole, Matthew","Simon, Patrick","Symson, A.","Thomas, Griffin","Turnbull, Richard","Waple, Edward"} OR {MyTag "commentary-reformation"})
---> note use of {Series... } and {Author... } which is much more efficient than the traditional series:(...) and author:(...) for complex rules like these. If you add to this rule, be sure that the names are exact.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave's rule is from the same source but appears to be newer (more updated) than mine...use his.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.