Stylus Recommendation for iPad Mini 4

I've never really been a stylus user with my iPad mini - but with L10 Mobile's "Draw on Screen" feature, I figure it's time. I'm guessing that my iPad Mini 4 may not handle some of the latest and greatest capabilities of the newer stylus types. Would appreciate recommendations folks may have based on your experiences.
Thanks in advance,
Well, first, your finger works perfectly well!
I've used a stylus for maybe 10 years on the mini. There's 3 types:
- Simplest and cheapest is a stylus, with a little plastic disk on the end. It plays like a finger. It displays position (as you write)
- A fancier version looks like a ball-point, costs more, and is more skippy
- Finally the fancier type, connecting thru BT, that also accounts for pressure and angle
I use a stylus maybe an hour per day, and I'm back to the cheapo. Reliable and no headaches.
The new mini accepts the Apple pen.