Still no custom slides in Sermon Builder

I would like to see Sermon Builder offer the ability to create my own slide templates. As it is, I can upload an image and add a single text field to it, but aside from the font and size, there is no other control over the text itself, such as alignment or text styles. It is also not possible to add additional text fields. Custom templates can be created in Proclaim, but (as far as I can tell) Logos 10 does not provide for importing slides or templates from Proclaim. It would be very nice to have this ability.
If you would support this please vote on it:
Im sure that is because they want you to buy Proclaim.
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Additional enhancements around how the Media tool interacts with Sermon Builder has not been forgotten about. This is an area we still have our eye on and will be focusing on here soon. While it was not able to fit into the 10.0 launch, please know that work will take place on this shortly. We want to improve on the overall user experience of how you interact with slides and also improve on Sermon Builder's integration with Proclaim.