Export Powerpoint Bug?

Agh, i was working all night on trying to use the Sermon Builder, which it had lots of limitations of what I was hoping it would be able to do. However, the worse of all is that all the time I spent working on the slides is for naught, as it won't export. Is this a major bug? Or a limitation on amount of slides or format of the notes? Hoping I could use it before church starts but doesn't look like it's going to work out.
Jason Saling
MacBook Pro 16" 2021, Chip M1 Pro, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB Flash Drive
Jason Saling said:
However, the worse of all is that all the time I spent working on the slides is for naught, as it won't export.
Sorry to see that - I've just tried an export to PowerPoint and it worked fine
Are you running on Windows or Mac?
And we probably need to see logs (captured after the error and before starting Logos again). Details on this are at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027869132-How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files
Jason Saling said:Or a limitation on amount of slides or format of the notes?
Roughly how many slides do you have?
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It was 50 slides. I was able to get it to work just in time by trying different backgrounds and testing on creating other sermon builder documents. Initially I was using the storm clouds as a background. That gave an error immediately when trying to export (when I created a new file with just one slide it worked). I changed it to a brick background and it tried exporting but after about 6-7 seconds it failed. I then changed it to a black background and that one was able to successfully export.
Jason Saling
www.ChristianJournals.orgMacBook Pro 16" 2021, Chip M1 Pro, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB Flash Drive
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> we probably need to see logs
Graham is correct. Logs would be helpful towards diagnosing the issue here.0 -
Well, I was just about to create logs, but after updating to Mac OS Ventura, it worked successfully. Interesting.
Jason Saling
www.ChristianJournals.orgMacBook Pro 16" 2021, Chip M1 Pro, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB Flash Drive