Font size in Notes: keep getting bigger, while the setting stays at 8

Bruce Fraser
Bruce Fraser Member Posts: 109 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Every now and then my fingers hit the wrong keys, and I suddenly find myself on the Logos app home page or some such thing. I have to go to Layouts to get back to where I was working.

I wonder if I'm doing something similar with fonts in my Notes. When I started using Logos some years ago, in Settings I made the default font size 12. That worked well, since that's what I use in my word processor.
    Then one day the fonts appeared larger--but only in the Notes. All the other resources stayed the same. I checked the Settings, and Notes font size was still set at 12. So I changed it to 11.
    All was well. And then some months later it happened again. And again. Now my default setting for Notes font size is 8 (the lowest possible setting); but their appearance on the screen is similar to 13 point text in my word processor.

What is going on here?!! Is there some secret macro command that I'm inadvertently using when I hit the wrong keys by mistake?

I'll repeat just in case readers miss it above: This happens only in Notes. All other resources appear normally.



  • Morgan
    Morgan Member Posts: 495 ✭✭✭

    Can't speak to the notes issue, but you can always click the home page icon and get back to your original layout. Opening the home page just covers the current layout, it doesn't close it.

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,615 ✭✭✭

    Normally when a font changes size unexpectedly, it is caused by bumping the scroll wheel while holding down the control key (PC). But that doesn't sound like the problem you are having.

    I think a call to tech support would be a good idea.

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • Bruce Fraser
    Bruce Fraser Member Posts: 109 ✭✭

    Aha! I figured it out.

    Many programs use the key combination Ctrl and -/+ to zoom in or out. I tried that in Logos, but nothing happened. That is, I tried it using the - and + keys on the number pad. When I used the - and + keys on the main keyboard, Logos decreased or increased the screen appearance in that particular resource.

    I must have accidentally done that without realizing it. Don't know how, but I am pretty amazing.

    SUGGESTION: Would be nice to include that in the Help section on font sizes.

    Now if there was only a way to tell Logos to ignore the shortcut that jumps to some other part of the program...