Advanced Timeline & New Testament Chronology

Eugene Nowak
Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've been trying to display a chronology of New Testament books on the Advanced Timeline in L10.  Can't seem to come up with the appropriate Filter or Find to yield the desired results, so far there is way too much information.

Using the Filter of Biblical Studies will reveal the New Testament books and using written in the Find box can narrow the results.  But there are a whole lot of non-Canonical items listed.  

My take-away is the Filter is looking at tags or some equivalent resource assignment.  And Filter is looking at the resources displayed for words that appear just in the labeling on the timeline.

So, short of building a Find with all 27 books (minus duplicated 1,2,3 names) and then using a lot of NOT's in the Find syntax to exclude the unwanted results, is there some other way?  

Any advice?  

