Search no longer works correctly in Logos 10 mobile app

Tim Engwer
Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I just upgraded to the latest Logos 10.  In the previous mobile app I could do a scripture search on my collections.  For instance, I could click on a verse in the bible then select search.  Once in the search tab I could chooe a collection (devotionals for instance) and it would show all my devotionals with that scripture reference.  Now when I do this it only shows hits for one of my devotionals.  Same thing for Top Bibles which used to show cross references from all my Top bibles ESV, NASB, hcsb etc) but now only shows them for the ESV.  Please help!  If we cant figure this out can I revert back to the previous version of the mobile app till this is fixed?



  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    Update, figured out Top Bibles and cross references.  It defaults to Top Bible which for me is the ESV.  I can click on Top Bibles (plural) and see the other ones.  Still cant figure out collections.  Sometimes it gives me no results at all and I know that this is not correct for the scripture I'm using for the search.

  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    Just saw another post that this is a known bug.  I did a little experimenting which might be helpful.  I noticed a few of my collections do work properly.  I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the matching criteria used as I altered the criteria for one of them that didnt work and now it does.  More detail to follow later.

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,447

    Hi Tim,

    I am curious about the "matching criteria". My library is tagged by me and my collections are defined by those tags. None of my collections appear to work in a search.

  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    Just figured it out!  The collections that work on my mobile app use "mytag" only in the matching criteria.  So I did a little test.  In the desktop app I have a collection called Devotionals and it uses the following matching criteria:

    mytag:Devotionals, type:"Calendar Devotional", title:Devotional, subject:Devotional--Bible, subject:Meditations, subject:"Devotional Calendars" -"Be Committed"

    This works fine on the desktop but turns up 0 results in the mobile app.  When I get rid of everything and just have:


    It works on the mobile app.  It also works on the desktop but has fewer resources. So it seems the matching criteira will only allow mytag to be used.  As a work around I will create a few collections with just mytag until this is fixed.

  • Tim Engwer
    Tim Engwer Member Posts: 457 ✭✭

    Guess its not as easy to fix as I thought.  I have a collection called "Topical Indexes".  I changed it and use the mytag:"Topical Indexes" for the criteria and tagged all the resources but it doesnt work on the mobile app and shows 0 references.  

    So I got rid of the mytag rule and just manually dropped all the resources into a newly created collection called Topical_Indexes.  This does work but does not turn out the same number of hits.  On the desktop for John 1:1 I get 112 results in 95 articles but on the mobile only 10 results an 8 articles.

    Upon investigation It appears that only a few of the resources are searched while the others are overlooked.  I know this becasue I created test sets with the resources that did turn up results and those that didn't.  

    I'm hoping this will help someone at Logos troubleshoot this!

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,447

    It is a bug that they need to fix for it to work properly regardless of how the collection is set up.

  • Jonathan Sheehy
    Jonathan Sheehy Member Posts: 34 ✭✭

    My experience with collections on mobile (exclusively using Bible collections in the text comparison tool) is that results in collections made using rules simply aren't recognised on mobile. But all resources that were manually dragged into a collection WILL show in the collection in mobile.

    Not cool, but at least I know how to make collections that will work on mobile now: write the collection rules, then manually drag all of the results into the manual additions section (one by one).

    Haven't experimented with how mobile search works on those collections, though, sorry.

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    This is a known issue as stated above. We are currently working on a fix for it and will let you know when it has been resolved. Thank you for your patience!

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager