Text Comparison Between NASB & LSB

Frank Dornik
Frank Dornik Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there a way to do Text Comparison between NASB & LSB for a list of passages that I provide?



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,055

    The Text Comparison Tool will compare verses in the two translations.

    But you can't feed it a list of passages to work on - it just looks at a contiguous set of verses.

  • Frank Dornik
    Frank Dornik Member Posts: 60 ✭✭

    Please consider adding this feature to Logos.  It could even been connected with the Passages List feature and be a very valuable feature of Logos.  Thank you!

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    Your suggestion regarding TC>list of passages, for over a decade (since Logos4 at least) seemed so obvious.  I have my own Bible software; this was an early 'feature' since I use it constantly to compare how the OL varies across passages and across versions/mss's.

    I'm no pastor, but I've observed 'ours' at least does quite a bit of word-choosing across versions for a series of passages in his sermons (to better express meaning).  I've always been surprised Logos didn't offer it in the L4 version (single/multiple passages) or the later major update (scrolling on/off).

    But the Passage List sort of hints at this.  As I'm new to Logos (since 2005), I didn't figure it out this morning (image below).  But clicking around I could get multiple passages and multiple versions.  Just no colored differences.

    In the image below, I was trying to extract myself from adding passages (must be some way). And not sure 'what' happened to my version choices.  It even added Egyptian too!!  

    And a random example of comparing mss's for a passage list (if not aware):

  • Kevin A
    Kevin A Member Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭

    You can sort of achieve it by doing an inline bible search in the NASB for a* for All Bible Text and change All Passages to the passage list.

    I tried with just * but was taking forever, so assuming each passage has at least one a in it, this should return all results.

    You can then use Multiview to open the LSB.

    They dont perfectly line up always, and the search can take a little while, but it may be ok for you.

    Here is an image - the passage list I selected has been converted into the individual passages when I started the search, but you can find your passage lists at the bottom of the dropdown.