BUG: Selecting/deselecting 'capsule' when creating new highlighting style resets formatting.
Hey guys
While creating a new style within the highlighting tool, sub-section insert text, if 'Capsule' is selected and then deselected, any formatting modifications made to that text such as font style, colour, bold, italics etc will not persist but will instead be reset back to default. See pictures below for an example.
Not a huge deal, but it did result in having to reformat all my styles again which was a mild irritation (I was road testing capsules for a bunch of different styles and then changed my mind).
I'm running Logos Bible Software 10.1 SR-3
Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia
Belated bump due to power outage; hoping to get a response to this post.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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While creating a new style within the highlighting tool, sub-section insert text, if 'Capsule' is selected and then deselected, any formatting modifications made to that text such as font style, colour, bold, italics etc will not persist but will instead be reset back to default. See pictures below for an example.
Replicated Buggy Insert Text reset caused by deselecting Capsule using version 23.1.33 on macOS Monterey 12.6.3
1) Formatted Insert Text => Text Above
2) Changed Insert Text to Capsule
3) Unchecked Capsule, which caused reset of Insert Text Above formatting
Keep Smiling [:)]
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