L/V 10 Tip of the Day #57 Parallel Passages

Another tip of the day (TOTD) series for Logos/Verbum 10. They will be short and often drawn from forum posts. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest forum posts you'd like to see included. Adding comments about the behavior on mobile and web apps would be appreciated by your fellow forumites. A search for "L/V 10 Tip of the Day site:community.logos.com" on Google should bring the tips up as should this Reading List within the application.
This tip is inspired the forum post: Chronological or - Logos Forums
See the bibliography at the end of this post for harmonies in my library, including links for shared file harmonies.
Ways to see parallel passages within Logos:
1. The Parallel Passages section of the Passage Guide will display any parallel resource with Bible references. From Verbum Help:
Parallel Passages Section
This section lists passages that cover the same material as the guide key, such as narrations of the same event in the synoptic gospels. The results display the name of the resource, an article heading linking to the relevant section of the resource, and the verses it is parallel to. Most of the displayed results are hyperlinks to the releveant parts of the Library.
This section is available in the Passage Guide, Sermon Starter Guide, and Exegetical Guide.
Examples from Old and New Testament:
2. The Gospel parallels have their own interactive. In this case the user selects the gospel harmony resource that is used. From Verbum Help:
Parallel Gospel Reader
A parallel view of the synoptic gospels (plus sometimes John), based on the synopses and parallels within the user’s library. Users can display the Bible text in their preferred translation, reorder the entire synopsis to follow the order presented in a particular gospel, and choose which gospels are displayed.
3. The interactive New Testament Use of the Old Testament provides parallel passages for a very specific subset of parallel passages. From Verbum Help:
New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Explores how New Testament authors cite, quote, allude to, or echo Old Testament texts. It displays both Old Testament and New Testament passages in multiple versions for quick comparison—including the Hebrew or Greek Old Testament and the Greek New Testament.
Filter data by Type (Allusion, Citation, Echo, Quotation), Book, Addressee, Literary Types, and more. Sort the text on the right side by either the New Testament or the Source (Old Testament).
To learn more about the data and methodology used for this interactive, click About at the top of the panel.
For the first pericopes of Mark:
4. For Biblical events as defined by Faithlife, the Biblical Event Navigator shows all the references where the event is narrated (parallel passages) as well as references to the event. From Verbum Help:
Biblical Event Navigator
A collapsible tree view of biblical events (based on the Factbook narrative event hierarchy) that allows users to view the Bible’s large narrative arcs broken down into the smaller stories that comprise themand explore significant details of each event.
Users can navigate in two ways:
• Type the name of an event in the Find events box and click the relevant event in the sidebar on the left (or click the title of a bulleted event in the main panel). For example: type Life of Jesus, click an event in the sidebar, and click bulleted events until the desired event appears (if relevant).
• Expand the relevant sections of the tree to drill down to the desired event. For example: Life of Jesus > Passion week > Jesus’ resurrection > Jesus’ tomb is found empty > Women find the tomb emptyEvents will display significant features with hyperlinks to Factbook entries for some or all of the following:
• Participants links to the important individuals who took part in that event.
• Setting links to the event’s location.
• Important things links to significant impersonal things in the event.
• Topics and Themes links to important ideas addressed by the event.
• Defining Passages are the pericopes that tell of the event.
• Mentioned In are other pericopes that mention or allude to the event.
5. Finally, there is simply opening the resource itself. This is the only option for non-Biblical harmonies.
Bible Harmonies Bibliography
Aland, Kurt. Sinopsis de Los Cuatro Evangelios. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Aland, Kurt. Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Bendavid, Abba. The Twice-Told Tale: Parallels in the Bible. Edited by Mordechai Cogan. First English Edition. Jerusalem: A Carta Handbook, 2017.
Boisen, Sean. Composite Gospel: Parallel Passages. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2017.
Brannan, Rick. Parallel Passages in the Pastoral Epistles. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Brannan, Rick. Pasajes Paralelos En Las Epístolas Pastorales. Bellingham, WA: Software Bíblico Logos, 2011.
Bratcher, Robert G., ed. Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament. 3rd rev. ed. Helps for Translators. New York: United Bible Societies, 1984.
Breen, A. E. A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels. Revised Edition. Vol. 1. Rochester, NY: John P. Smith Printing Company, 1908.
Breen, A. E. A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels. Revised Edition. Vol. 2. Rochester, NY: John P. Smith Printing Company, 1908.
Breen, A. E. A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels. Revised Edition. Vol. 3. Rochester, NY: John P. Smith Printing Company, 1908.
Breen, A. E. A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels. Revised Edition. Vol. 4. Rochester, NY: John P. Smith Printing Company, 1908.
Burton, Ernest DeWitt. A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels for Historical and Critical Study. New York; Chicago; Boston: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1917.
Copple, Glen M. Getting to Know Jesus: Harmony of the Gospels. New Hope Gospel Ministries, 2006.
Cox, Steven L., and Kendell H. Easley. Holman Christian Standard Bible: Harmony of the Gospels. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2007.
Crockett, William. A Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles: The Books of the Kings of Judah and Israel. New York; Chicago; Toronto; London; Edinburgh: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897.
Crockett, William Day. Una Armonía de Samuel, Reyes Y Crónicas. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Dittmar, Wilhelm. Vetus Testamentum in Novo: Die Alttestamentlichen Parallelen Des Neuen Testaments Im Wortlaut Der Urtexte Und Der Septuaginta. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1903.
Eusebio de Cesarea. Cánones de Eusebio. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Eusebius of Caesarea. Eusebian Canons. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Geneste, Maximilian. The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, with Copious Explanatory Notes. Vol. 1. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons, 1843.
Geneste, Maximilian. The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, with Copious Explanatory Notes. Vol. 2. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons, 1843.
Jackson, Jeffrey Glen. Judas - Segunda Pedro. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Jackson, Jeffrey Glen. Jude-2 Peter Parallels. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Jackson, Jeffrey Glen. Sinopsis Del Antiguo Testamento. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Jackson, Jeffrey Glen. Synopsis of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Jackson, Jeffrey Glen. Synopsis of the Old Testament. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Jones, David A. Citas Y Referencias Al Antiguo Testamento En El Nuevo Testamento. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Jones, David A. Old Testament Quotations and Allusions in the New Testament. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
McGarvey, John William, and Philip Y. Pendleton. The Four-Fold Gospel. Cincinnati, OH: The Standard Publishing Company, 1914.
Migne, J. P. Patrologia Graeca: Greek Text. Vol. XV. Patrologiæ Cursus Completus. Paris: J. P. Migne, 1857.
Philipps, H. David. Citas Del Antiguo Testamento En El Nuevo Testamento. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Philipps, H. David. Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Requadt, J. Thomas. Texts of the Old Testament Parallel to Josephus’ Histories, n.d.
Personal book based on https://community.logos.com/forums/t/91223.aspx
Robertson, A. T. A Harmony of the Gospels. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Robertson, A. T. Una Armonía de Los Evangelios. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2011.
Sharman, Henry Burton. Records of the Life of Jesus Book I: The Record of Mt--Mk--Lk, Book II: The Record of John. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009.
Sievers, Joseph. Synopsis of the Greek Sources for the Hasmonean Period: 1–2 Maccabees and Josephus, War 1 and Antiquities 12–14. Vol. 20. Subsidia Biblica. Rome: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2001.
Throckmorton, Burton H., Jr. Gospel Parallels-NRSV: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995.
Warren, Robert M. Parallel Pericopes, n.d.
Personal book from parallel pericopes in Bible (https://community.logos.com/forums/t/126999.aspx)
Wright, Arthur. The Gospel according to St. Luke in Greek: After the Westcott and Hort Text. London; New York: Macmillan and Co.; The Macmillan Company, 1900.
Zacharias, H. Daniel, and Rick Brannan. Parallel Passages in the Pauline Letters. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Exported from Verbum, 8:09 PM January 5, 2023.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."