New Search Tool is unearthing gems in my library

Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Thanks to the good folks at Faithlife for all the good work on improving the Search tool. It's opening up my library. I've unearthed several gems in my library this week alone.

Example from today: this Harvard Classics resource has hymn lyrics in it and I had no idea. I was looking for John Dryden's translation of Veni Creator Spiritus in All search in this came up. I had it in the cloud. It has now been downloaded. This was after finding the original Latin text in the Dictionary of Hymnology (which I knew I had and already had downloaded). I like to have all my resources with hymns downloaded so the Harvard Classics resource was a good find. I also found this devotional by searching for "God delights" in the Books tab, which gave me the idea to look up the hymn in the first place.

This might seem like a minor thing but it's a big deal for me. Search is so much better to use with the updates (and bug fixes) in v22. I can better focus my search results on downloaded resources without losing sight of my cloud resources. Somehow my search results seem more relevant. Not sure how it all works but it does.

Keep up the good work. I'm really enjoying the improvements in Logos 22 (or the software formally known as Logos 10 lol)--especially to the Books tab in Search. And a big thanks for all the bug fixes. Carry on.

