Sync Glitches, or something else in Sermon Editor?

I’ve been having this issue for several months now and I‘m just now getting around to writing about it.
While writing my sermons in the Sermon Editor, I will have several sentences and bullet points completed, but then the slides on the left side will flash, disappear, then reappear. Meanwhile, some of my text (variable between a few letters to complete paragraphs) will disappear completely. This will happen about every 5-7 minutes or after several paragraphs of text.
Several months ago this happened on a Sunday morning as I was reviewing my sermon, and had to rewrite several paragraphs. The advice I received after that bug report was, essentially, “make sure you’re connected to wifi and click the sync button”.
Sorry to hear about this poor experience, David. Sometimes we've seen this type of behavior take place when the sermon is open on more than one device. I'm curious if if this may be your situation or not? For example, if you have the sermon open on your iPad app but then that same sermon may also be open on a Logos version on your computer.
Also, I'd be interested to know if you are connected to the internet or not during the time you are writing your sermon on the iPad app.
Thanks for reporting this and I assure you that it will be discussed further with the development team so we can improve this for you and other users.
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HI Austin! Thanks for the reply. Yes, I’m connected to the internet - good wi-fi signal, just a few feet from the router. I only use one app at a time when writing sermons, so that I don’t have issues pop up between two different apps accessing the same data. Appreciate the work you all do - It’s a complex enough app to use on this end of the screen, I can’t imagine everything that goes into it on your side!