Extensive note taking

Is it possible to incorporate a Word document with extensive notes taken, into Logos?
NNic said:
Is it possible to incorporate a Word document with extensive notes taken, into Logos?
Yes - this can be done using Personal Books
But it's important to note these personal books are only available on desktop / laptop - not mobile or the web app
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Graham, I often find it difficult to explain clearly what I am looking to do so I wondered whether you would be willing for me to send you an example of what I'm trying to do and you can then point the way?
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So here's an extract from a book I am studying on Exodus and that I have in Logos:
The framework of the Exodus material is closely parallel to D (cf. Exod. 24:12, 18b; 31:18; 32:7, 8a, 9, 10, 15a, 19b, 20; 34:1, 4, 28 with Deut. 9:9, 10, 12–15, 17, 18a, 21a; 10:1a, 2a, 3abb, 4a).
Johnstone, W. (1999). Exodus (pp. 76–77). Sheffield Academic Press.
What I would like to do is to tabulate each text cited and compare them side by side in two columns; one column headed Exodus and one column headed Deuteronomy.
Hope this is clearer and would appreciate your step by step help as I am not hugely computer literate.
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NNic said:
The framework of the Exodus material is closely parallel to D (cf. Exod. 24:12, 18b; 31:18; 32:7, 8a, 9, 10, 15a, 19b, 20; 34:1, 4, 28 with Deut. 9:9, 10, 12–15, 17, 18a, 21a; 10:1a, 2a, 3abb, 4a).
Johnstone, W. (1999). Exodus (pp. 76–77). Sheffield Academic Press.
What I would like to do is to tabulate each text cited and compare them side by side in two columns; one column headed Exodus and one column headed Deuteronomy.
Thanks for that information - that is really helpful
To do this in Logos I would create a Passage List for the Exodus passages and one for the Deuteronomy ones
Details on creating and populating Passage Lists are at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016747311-Passage-List
To add the references to each Passage List, select those verses using your mouse and use the Add from selected text option in the Passage List (outlined in red below). Then click the Open all buttion (outlined in blue) to open a copy of your Bible filtered by the contents of the Passage List
To ensure you have the passages in one column, open the panel menu in your Bible (three dots icon at the top right) and specify Columns to the one
Once you have done that for both sets of passages you can position the two open, filtered, Bibles side-by-side and you will be able to compare the verses
One detail - Logos ignores partial verse references (such as 15a) in Passage Lists so the complete verses will be shown.
Is this clear / does it help at all?
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Thank you Graham for your help. Greatly appreciated