Mobile bug: linking Bib ref to Top Bible

Michael_H Member Posts: 26 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, just discovered that clicking on Bib ref links (library items or notes) can only jump to my Top Bible if internet is on. Otherwise if I am offline, it would link to ESV instead.

For info: I have tried redownloading my Top Bible but the same thing happens. Top Bible in mobile device and Prioritized Bible on Win10 are the same.

Can anyone replicate this, or am I the odd one out?.



  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    I can reproduce this issue on Android. It's working as expected on iOS. I will create a case. Thank you, Michael!

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Bruce D.
    Bruce D. Member Posts: 71 ✭✭

    Experiencing the same problem.  The preferred Bible is downloaded and set as top bible but clicking a bible link says "not available"

    In my case;

    • My top bible used to be "NASB 2020" where the links were working correctly
    • Recently switched by top bible to LSB and noticed the links were opening ESV
    • Deleted "NASB 2020" and ESV from the mobile device & verified top bible is LSB, but now get the "not available" message only while offline. When online the LSB is displayed
    • Re-downloaded the ESV and now bible links open the ESV while offline and the LSB when online.

    Mobile version 24.0.1 on Android 11

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager