bug: Bible links overridden in notes

John Meyer
John Meyer Member Posts: 17 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Steps to reproduce:

  1. with any Bible other than ESV set as your default Bible
  2. type "2 Chr 24:11" into the text of a note
  3. select that entire verse reference, click the link button, paste "logosres:esv;ref=BibleESV.2Ch24.11" into the box, and click Save

Expected Result:

clicking anywhere on "2 Chr 24:11" opens that verse in the ESV

Actual result:

"2 Chr 24" is linked to 2 Chr 24:1 (not 11) in the default Bible, ":11" is not linked anywhere


I get that auto-linking unlinked Bible references is a feature, but once I manually add a link the reference is no longer unlinked, so the auto-link should not trigger

I've also seen this same bug pasting in HTML content (I was investigating whether Logos notes could be a viable alternative to my current notes which are markdown files... as long as this bug persists, the answer is a hard no)



  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 962

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the report. I'll write up a case for our team to investigate.