L/V 10+ Tip of the Day #205 Label event in which a person was a participant
Another tip of the day (TOTD) series for Logos/Verbum 10. They will be short and often drawn from forum posts. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest forum posts you'd like to see included. Adding comments about the behavior on mobile and web apps would be appreciated by your fellow forumites. A search for "L/V 10+ Tip of the Day site:community.logos.com" on Google should bring the tips up as should this Reading List within the application.
This tip is inspired by the forum post: L/V 10+ Tip of the Day #203 Every reference to a person - Logos Forums
Besides provide a search mechanism, label attributes provide a framework for studying the events indexed by the labels. Logos/Verbum does not make the data readily available. Unfortunately, the Bible browser does not include all relevant labels; the Concordance Guide section finds the labels in a particular passage but requires you search for each label separately; the Information panel for comprehensive results may requires you know the passages in advance; and the search query for must look for each relevant label. Factbook may come close to your rescue.
- The search argument is altar:(any:person:Sarah) OR answer:(any:person:Sarah) OR battle:(any:person:Sarah) OR benediction:(any:person:Sarah) OR burial:(any:person:Sarah) OR command:(any:person:Sarah) OR covenant:(any:person:Sarah) OR dailyEvent:(any:person:Sarah) OR famine:(any:person:Sarah) OR fast:(any:person:Sarah) OR figurativeLanguage:(any:person:Sarah) OR figureOfSpeech:(any:person:Sarah) OR intertext:(any:person:Sarah) OR judge:(any:person:Sarah) OR killing:(any:person:Sarah) OR marriage:(any:person:Sarah) OR meal:(any:person:Sarah) OR measure:(any:person:Sarah) OR messianicProphecy:(any:person:Sarah) OR miracle:(any:person:Sarah) OR mitzvoth:(any:person:Sarah) OR oath:(any:person:Sarah) OR parable:(any:person:Sarah) OR prayer:(any:person:Sarah) OR prepositionalPhrase:(any:person:Sarah) OR priest:(any:person:Sarah) OR promise:(any:person:Sarah) OR prophet:(any:person:Sarah) OR proverb:(any:person:Sarah) OR psalm:(any:person:Sarah) OR question:(any:person:Sarah) OR regent:(any:person:Sarah) OR sacrifice:(any:person:Sarah) OR semanticFeature:(any:person:Sarah) OR song:(any:person:Sarah) OR sourceCriticism:(any:person:Sarah) OR speech:(any:person:Sarah) OR supernaturalBeing:(any:person:Sarah) OR theophany:(any:person:Sarah) OR turningPoint:(any:person:Sarah) OR vision:(any:person:Sarah) OR vow:(any:person:Sarah) OR wordplay:(any:person:Sarah)
- In Factbook > Sarah > See also > Topics all the entries except the last are labeled events in which Sarah was a participant. I have not verified the completeness of the list. Note it does not provide Bible references but rather Factbook links that lead to the Bible reference.
- The Concordance section is run against the portion of Genesis relating to Abraham; one must manually scan to extract the labels with Sarah as a participant
- The Information panel requires that you know where the label is, to focus the tool on the labels, then manually examine the labels.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."