Bible Notes Don't Apply to all Bibles

Tom Smith
Tom Smith Member Posts: 27 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I made the mistake of changing my preferred Bible awhile back and now noticed I have a bunch of notes under my old preferred Bible as well as the new one.  (I guess I will now have to stick to one Bible permanently if I intend to take notes?) Never occurred to me that taking Bible Journaliing Notes would only apply to that specific resource instead of all bibles. Any suggestions? 



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,034

    Tom Smith said:

    Never occurred to me that taking Bible Journaliing Notes would only apply to that specific resource instead of all bibles.

    If you create notes "by reference" (i.e. anchored to the biblical reference) they will be visible in all Bibles.

    If you create notes "by selection" (i.e. anchored to a portion of text) they will be linked to a particular Bible.

    If you are using reverse-interelinear enabled Bibles you can see use corresponding notes and highlights created in one so that those created in one version are visible in others. There is a video outlining this feature at 

    EDIT: And having just seen your other post relating to this, its worth noting that corresponding notes / highlights are not available on mobile.

  • Tom Smith
    Tom Smith Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    Thanks. I figured the easiest way for me to understand this was to just change the couple hundred of my notes to anchor to the generic Bible verse rather than a specific translation. Live and learn!

    Hopefully going forward I will remember within IOS to anchor to the Bible verse rather than accept the default (translation). 

    Logos is certainly an extremely complex piece of software.