Linking footnotes in resources

Whyndell Grizzard
Whyndell Grizzard Member Posts: 3,514 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I will only list one resource though there are numerous- NSIBT 48 All things New, Brian Tabb- I have been using this in my study of Revelation and have found that resources he references, other than biblical one, lacking to resources in my library. This is very annoying to have to research the biblio every time he mentions other books or authors, is there a reason why this process has been ignored of late.


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

    You may want to edit your post and put RESOURCE BUG: in front of the title.

     I concur that the linking to other resources is not acceptable for a Logos research edition. Running a concordance on the book reveals that (besides bible, apocrypha and DSS plus a couple lexicons once or twice each) only antique writers from Josephus and Philo, Seneca and Pliny up to Augustin are properly linked. Modern authors including all commentaries, journal articles etc are never linked. 

    My guess is that the citation format threw this off. Those antique writings are always cited by title, whereas everything younger than 500AD is cited in a more modern format like C. S. Lewis (1961: 40), which requires looking up the title in the bibliography.   

    Taking this arbitrary footnote (FN 65) as an example:

    Suetonius, Domitian 13.2; Dio Cassius, Roman History 67.5.7; Josephus, Jewish War 2.184. Cf. Aune 1997: 311–312; Koester 2014: 365–366.

    The first three will be linked (possibly there even runs a bot/macro that assigns the proper datatype links) the last two not. I seem to remember there have been issues with this type of citation before.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile