Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database english Word Search Function

In the product listing, seen at the following address, the promotional video shows the user doing a word search and then accessing an English version of the database, denoted by abbreviated title DSSSE:En as seen in the video at approximately the 1:43 minute mark.
I contacted Logos service and they said that the video was from an old version of Logos and they don't know how to get it to operate in the same manner, do any of you have a clue? I can't (yet) read Hebrew and so the resource is essentially useless to me, but I had purchased almost exclusively in the hopes of broadening my Word Search pool of translations. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is still possible with the current version of Logos. You just need to use the "Multiple books display" option in the upper right corner of the search panel to add DSSSE:En. Use the double vertical bar button to toggle on and off the multiple resource view, and hit the down arrow beside it to select the resources you want to view alongside your results.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I don't quite understand the OP's details:
- His referenced product is the Biblical scrolls
- DSS-SE is the sectarian scrolls
Anyway, of the latter:
The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31
And for anyone else, Abegg does include english glosses (but don't do as in this thread):
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.