My husband would like access to my PLETHORA of Logos resources

Sharon Hillam
Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have Logos 10 Gold and LOTS of additional resources on my Windows 10 Desktop. My husband has an Apple iMac. We are NOT in vocational (paid) ministry; just a couple of retired folks who LOVE reading and studying the Bible. (I publish newsletters and articles online on Substack and Medium, but not at the point of generating income yet.)

He's used my login on his iPad with a handful of resources but would like to learn how to use Logos on his desktop and do more studies.

Is there a way for him to create his own login and then share my resources, or are we stuck with navigating the both of us using my login?

We can live with the latter; just curious as to what our options are. But purchasing another copy of Logos is NOT an option. We've spent hundreds of $$ already. Can't justify spending more for the limited amount he will actually use Logos.

TIA for your help!

Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Is there a way for him to create his own login and then share my resources, or are we stuck with navigating the both of us using my login?

    Several things: 

    1. In no case has that ever been permitted, so unfortunately the answer is "no." 
    2. The standard answer historically from Bob has been that a non-vocational spouse <can> use the same credentials and be considered "one user." Of course, the software is designed for "one user," so you have to live with what that entails. 
    3. The language of the user agreements has tightened, seemingly eliminating that as an option... but Bob has never come out and said so. He has had time & opportunity. 

    Based upon historical statements and a lack of explicit clarification on the topic, I think it is safe for you to follow the previous guidance with the understanding that it <might> be revoked in the future. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The language of the user agreements has tightened, seemingly eliminating that as an option... but Bob has never come out and said so. He has had time & opportunity. 

    Bob is no longer the CEO and hasn't posted on the forums in over a year. He's started a new venture. (He's still a Board member of Faithlife/Logos, but no longer Chair of the Board.) It would be up to the new CEO Vik Rajagopal to clarify the policy if he wants to, but in the absence of any further word from "on high" I think it's OK to go with what Bob said in the past. Vik has not been as active on the forums as Bob was in his CEO role, so I doubt he'll weigh in on this. It's doubtful anyone would know or come after you for this kind of usage. It's easier on the conscience to ask forgiveness later than ask permission and get a "no" answer and go ahead with what you wanted to do anyway. Best not to stir the pot. [;)]

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,456

    Is there a way for him to create his own login and then share my resources, or are we stuck with navigating the both of us using my login?

    I like to think, without any evidence to confirm it, that Faithlife considers you as a married couple to be of one flesh therefore you are using 'your' (in the plural sense) log in.

    Of course if you were both in paid ministry then you would both have individual jobs, and those jobs should be supporting individual purchases.

    So the answer is that Mr Hillam can delight in your the benefits of being your husband and sharing your life but he can't strike out on his own.

    Count your blessings.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 15

    To the best of our knowledge the use of a single license by a married couple with neither in the paid ministry has never been tested in a court of law.  When we get 12 normal people (a jury) to hear that a married couple can not use a single license where they have spent several thousands of $$ my bet would be that Logos / Faithlife will get laughed out of court. 

    BUT you must use the software as if you are only one person. [That is no customizing for each of you] 

    Please note that to the best of my knowledge we are paying some where near what a library would pay for each recourse. And that library has hundreds if not thousands of users for the same price we pay for just one person and then we get told that our wife/husband can not use it!!!!

    This discussion has been going on from day one of Logos/Faithlife. 

    If they sue be sure to demand a 12 person jury.  And check the real price that the library paid with many users.


  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    While this has been rehashed many times over the years, the latest EULA has this language:

    5. Rights and Access Privileges for LBS Licenses.

    LBS Licenses may ONLY be used on devices owned by the licensee in whose name the LBS License is registered. Each LBS License is granted for use by one human user only, even where the LBS License is registered in the name of an institution such as a church. We reserve the right to monitor use of the Services subject to LBS Licenses to detect, prevent and disable excessive simultaneous logins on different devices indicating use of the Services by more than one human user. We do not offer site-licenses, shared licenses, co-op licenses, or library licenses. 

    Some imagine nothing but a dirty, greedy profit motive behind this. I find it more likely that this restriction has to do with licensing agreements Logos has with its resource providers. But I certainly have no inside information.

    In the past Logos had a family licensing plan and a group licensing plan. I cannot find information on either so perhaps the plans have quietly been dropped.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    BUT you must use the software as if you are only one person. [That is no customizing for each of you] 

    Thanks, JT, Rosie, Mike, and David for your responses. I came into the Faithlife/Logos family from WORDsearch in 2020, so based on what I've learned here from you, I think that my assumption that there was NO issue with both David and me using the software might have come from their position rather than understanding Faithlife's.

    I am a former software developer of 32+ years, so I fully understand what a single license means. This is why I've quoted what David said above. WE will use OUR single license as a non-employed married couple and yes, count our blessings. 

    I have to laugh at this, though. If you guys only knew how little my husband will ever do anything with Logos. He just mostly wants to be able to open some of the BE commentaries by Warren Wiersbe and the Dake Study Bible I purchased yesterday primarily for his use.

    Anyway...thanks so much! You're always so helpful here.

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 15

    While this has been rehashed many times over the years, the latest EULA has this language: 

    5. Rights and Access Privileges for LBS Licenses.

    LBS Licenses may ONLY be used on devices owned by the licensee in whose name the LBS License is registered. Each LBS License is granted for use by one human user only, even where the LBS License is registered in the name of an institution such as a church. We reserve the right to monitor use of the Services subject to LBS Licenses to detect, prevent and disable excessive simultaneous logins on different devices indicating use of the Services by more than one human user. We do not offer site-licenses, shared licenses, co-op licenses, or library licenses.

    If you both use the exact same computer / tablet / device for Logos You will never have a 'simultaneous' login.  No one will  know that there are two humans sharing the account as there will only be one user at a time.  In other words He must not use LOGOS when you are!  (Enjoy the "BE" series)

    [there are ways to detect the user by watching the users key strokes but one does not hit many keys while reading!]

  • John
    John Member Posts: 702 ✭✭✭

    Can't justify spending more for the limited amount he will actually use Logos.

    I see that the original question has been answered sufficiently.

    I have another suggestion that might be helpful, that would be to get your husband one of the minimal packages to run on his own devices, then you could switch when he desires to access the PLETHORA of Logos resources [H]

    Resources you might desire or need on both accounts you could wait until they are on sale at rock bottom pricing and add an additional license for them.

    That way you can both read/work in Logos at the same time, although one device with more limited resources.

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    Thanks, John. You're not the first to suggest this, and this may be a possible long-term solution. I fully understand Logos' position and the legal side of this. The question at the moment that only my husband can answer is: how much is he going to use the software? Based on being married to him for the past 17 years, probably very little. If that proves true, "sharing" my login occasionally (whenever I'm not using it myself) is reasonable based on what everyone has said (and common sense judgment, which I hope is still okay).

    If he surprises me (and himself!) and starts to get into it — he recently bought a Udemy course on Logos by Danny Zacharias — then, we may look at purchasing a baseline package.

    Time will tell...[:)]

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 15


    "So Faithlife gets before a judge and jury"

    And asks "So, what do you think the jury will return as its verdict?" 

  • Don Awalt
    Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭

    The jury will return in favor of Logos. You won't find one case where the opposite has occurred.

  • Matt Hamrick
    Matt Hamrick Member Posts: 667 ✭✭

    So Bob's belief one married couple being one user is gone. I guess that happens when you switch CEO.