Strange shortcut key behavior

Jason Hopkins
Jason Hopkins Member Posts: 21
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have a list of shortcut keys that don't behave as expected.
I'm on Mac, but I toss in Dvoark for an added twist! I'm full time Dvoark.

Most of the shorcuts work just fine. For example, if it says Cmd+L and I hit the Dvorak L (QWERTY's p) it behaves as expected.

But, the following do not work as expected.

For these shortcuts I have to push the QWERTY letter, not the Dvorak letter, yet I'm still on Dvorak.
"F" QWERTY = "U" Dvoark
"R" QWERTY = "P" Dvorak

Opt+Cmd+F – Open panel in floating window (I have to Opt+Cmd+U)
Opt+Shift+Cmd+F – Dock panel or tab (I have to Opt+Shift+Cmd+U)
Opt+Cmd+R – Show Reading View (I have to Opt+Cmd+P)

This is overridden by a Mac default shortcut.
Shift+Cmd+H – Show Home. Mac has this as the default for "zoom". I changed the default, now it works fine. I thought I'd mention it in case others were having trouble with it.

These aren't correct. If I use Ctrl instead of Shift they work.
Shift+Cmd+Right arrow – Go to next equivalent resource, Ctrl+Cmd+Right arrow works
Shift+Cmd+Left arrow – Go to previous equivalent resource, Ctrl+Cmd+Left arrow works

The tab changes are just strange.
Ctrl+Tab – Go to next tab, doesn't do that.
Ctrl+Tab goes to the previous tab, then the previous, previous tab, then the previous, previous, previous tab and so on. If you go click on tab 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 Ctrl+Tab will move in reverse order, 4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,5.

Ctrl+Shift+Tab – Go to previously accessed tab doesn't work as expected.
If you go click on tab 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 Ctrl+Shift+Tab will move forward (Next tab??) 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5.

But If you go click on tab 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, THEN 4 Ctrl+Shift+Tab will move 1,2,3,5,4,1,2,3,5,4.

It seems Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab are labeled backwards. But, I'm dyslexic, so it could be me!



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 53,670

    Weekly bump of posts that have not gotten a response in hopes of getting one.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Matt Mattox
    Matt Mattox Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 918

    I'll investigate.

  • Matt Mattox
    Matt Mattox Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 918

    Thanks again for the report. I wrote up a case to address these shortcut issues. Some good news, a few of these are working as intended on different internal version of Logos.

    1. Opt+Cmd+F – Open panel in floating window (I have to Opt+Cmd+U)
    2. Opt+Shift+Cmd+F – Dock panel or tab (I have to Opt+Shift+Cmd+U)
    3. Opt+Cmd+R – Show Reading View

    All three of those were working as intended. The remaining ones you listed on a Dvorak keyboard I too was running into the same behavior. 

    Thanks again for the detailed report.