LSB Translation Notes Available As In-Line Notes in your Bible!

The Master’s Seminary has announced that The Tyndale Center’s translation team, which oversaw the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Translation, is releasing translation notes for all 66 books of the Bible! As of now they have released Matthew-Romans.
I have been compiling these notes into a Notebook Document and have decided to share them (inspired by what Wesley W. Weber Jr. did with the Westminster Confession of Faith).
To add this Notebook to your own documents: Select the Documents icon in the "Public" for "LSB Translation" "Add to your docs".
I will continue updating this document as The Tyndale Center releases additional books of the Bible.
This is awesome! Thanks so much!
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My pleasure.
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Thanks for combining them chapter by chapter looked a little much to handle.
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I got a copy of this. Thank you.
Did you intentionally anchor it to the LSB instead of the verses themselves? Just wondering. If so, I will buy the LSB and try it.
Also, thank you for using Red 4-prong stars.
. I am using yellow stars for the Westminster Shorter (in process), and another color when I do the Larger.
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Another quick comment on the notes:
When using dark mode (using dark mode can extend your laptop battery usage by ~10%), the text links are kind of hard to see. It is fine, they are still visible... but the color of the link is different than what the Westminster Confession In Line Notes defaulted to (see attached image).
Blessings, and thanks again for this. I got a copy of the LSB.
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Aaron Sauer said:
Interesting. These are how my links look in dark mode.
Now, when I look at the same note, it is working... notice how hovering over the verse, Logos is now linking the verse to my ESV.
But for Mark 15:35, it is linking the text link to It looks like when it detects an external link it is black, but if it links to a resource it is the light blue color. See attached.
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That is cool that you could see the updates in real time! The strange thing is that they are working correctly on my you and others will have to point out which ones don't work properly and I will fix.
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Aaron Sauer said:
The Master’s Seminary has announced that The Tyndale Center’s translation team, which oversaw the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Translation, is releasing translation notes for all 66 books of the Bible! As of now they have released Matthew-Romans.
Aaron, any idea what the Tyndale Center's translation team has in mind for these translation notes? I wonder if they would eventually monetize them, and release them onto Logos for purchase (as they did the LSB version) since they have the contents protected on their website under the heading:
Copyright © 2023 The Tyndale Center at The Master's Seminary. All rights reserved.
Unlike the Confession (which has long been in the public domain) these translation notes seem to be proprietary. I could be mistaken, but, if you haven't, it might be worth reaching out to them and letting them know that they are now available on Logos apart from the seminary's website.
Hopefully, they would be delighted, as there is a wealth of info in them.
Just a thought, and I appreciate the work you are doing here.
Wes Weber Jr.
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Good suggestion. I just reached out to them.
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I would advise to contact them seeking permission to do this- it may prevent any problems for you personally, and harm their relationship with Logos, just saying.
I have numerous PBB and Notebook study guides, with material that I received personal permission to create Logos material out of- but no privilege to distribute.
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Whyndell Grizzard said:
I would advise to contact them seeking permission to do this- it may prevent any problems for you personally, and harm their relationship with Logos, just saying.
I have numerous PBB and Notebook study guides, with material that I received personal permission to create Logos material out of- but no privilege to distribute.
Yes agreed. I reached out just a bit ago.
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Thank you. Hopefully Tynedale will be as pleased as we are that you have produced this [Y]
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Good idea. Ask for grace and forgivness if needed.
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Christian Alexander said:
Good idea. Ask for grace and forgivness if needed.
I did not ask for grace and forgiveness but I did inform them that I have shared my compilation of their freely offered Translation Notes to Logos users....and have offered to take the notes document down if they wish for me to do so. I have not heard back from them yet.
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Aaron Sauer said:Christian Alexander said:
Good idea. Ask for grace and forgivness if needed.
I did not ask for grace and forgiveness but I did inform them that I have shared my compilation of their freely offered Translation Notes to Logos users....and have offered to take the notes document down if they wish for me to do so. I have not heard back from them yet.
Hopefully their response will be positive and you can continue.
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Whyndell Grizzard said:
Hopefully their response will be positive and you can continue.
I hope so. I have enjoyed putting it together and would be happy to continue as they release additional books of the Bible.
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So, I'm no longer seeing the red pronged star. I tried getting the notes doc again, but when the LSB is open, I'm still not seeing the notes.
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Chadwick Whitley said:
So, I'm no longer seeing the red pronged star. I tried getting the notes doc again, but when the LSB is open, I'm still not seeing the notes.
Do you have Visual Filters enabled?
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I had it on, but for some reason, the notebook wasn't showing up in the drop down checklist. And then, all of a sudden, it was there. So I guess I have it again! Yay!
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Chadwick Whitley said:
I had it on, but for some reason, the notebook wasn't showing up in the drop down checklist. And then, all of a sudden, it was there. So I guess I have it again! Yay!
Good to hear!
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Thank you!
Blessings in Christ.
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Aaron - thank you so much for putting this file together and sharing it. After years of using the ESV as my default Bible, I decided to give the LSB a go. Being a fan of the literal style of the NASB95, this update is of interest to me and the translation notes are a huge bonus. For that matter, one of the things that makes the NET one of my top Bibles as well is the translation notes, so this is a huge value add that you have created here.
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I'm having trouble adding the document (Notebook). Does it work for Macs?
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD
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Donovan R. Palmer said:
Aaron - thank you so much for putting this file together and sharing it. After years of using the ESV as my default Bible, I decided to give the LSB a go. Being a fan of the literal style of the NASB95, this update is of interest to me and the translation notes are a huge bonus. For that matter, one of the things that makes the NET one of my top Bibles as well is the translation notes, so this is a huge value add that you have created here.
I have benefited from using it and am encouraged to hear that others are finding it useful as well.
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Beloved Amodeo said:
I'm having trouble adding the document (Notebook). Does it work for Macs?
Yes I have a Mac and it is working just fine. Can you provide more details as to the issue that you are having?
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I followed the instructions outlined in your initial post and because I elected to have my updates on manual I restarted Logos and waited for it to index each time I did this there were downloads to be added. I tried several times and looked to see if the notebook was added to my documents and it was not there.Aaron Sauer said:Beloved Amodeo said:I'm having trouble adding the document (Notebook). Does it work for Macs?
Yes I have a Mac and it is working just fine. Can you provide more details as to the issue that you are having?
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD
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Try typing in "LSB Translation notes"
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Makes no difference. Sorry paperclip option not available at the moment.Randall Cue said:Try typing in "LSB Translation notes"
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD
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Try going here and click the blue Action button in the top right hand corner....then click Connect (if you are already Disconnect)...then click the blue Action button again and Connect.
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Thank you Aaron! That did it. What was the problem?Aaron Sauer said:Try going here and click the blue Action button in the top right hand corner....then click Connect (if you are already Disconnect)...then click the blue Action button again and Connect.
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD
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In my testing I discovered that there appears to be a software glitch that happens when you add a public document to your docs...then delete it...then try to add it doesn't show in your documents for some reason. I have found that by disconnecting and reconnecting as described in my post above...that seems to fix it.
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Thanks! Now, having read the entire thread; I hope there is no issue with rights going forward.[:(]Aaron Sauer said:In my testing I discovered that there appears to be a software glitch that happens when you add a public document to your docs...then delete it...then try to add it doesn't show in your documents for some reason. I have found that by disconnecting and reconnecting as described in my post above...that seems to fix it.
Meanwhile, Jesus kept on growing wiser and more mature, and in favor with God and his fellow man.
International Standard Version. (2011). (Lk 2:52). Yorba Linda, CA: ISV Foundation.
MacBook Pro MacOS Sequoia 15.3 1TB SSD
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Aaron Sauer said:
In my testing I discovered that there appears to be a software glitch that happens when you add a public document to your docs...then delete it...then try to add it doesn't show in your documents for some reason. I have found that by disconnecting and reconnecting as described in my post above...that seems to fix it.
Yep, this happened to me also, and I corrected it exactly the same way.
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Translation notes have been added for 1 & 2 Corinthians. I have also gone through and fixed any reference links that were not working properly.
I have repeatedly followed up with The Master's Seminary and The Tyndale Center regarding my request for official permission to share my compilation of their translation notes with Logos users and have only heard back from them as follows, "someone from The Tyndale Center will be reaching out to you shortly."
My source for compiling these translation notes can be found here.
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Update: I have added translation notes for Matthew-Ephesians. [:)]
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Any idea whether or not they plan to add the Old Testament translation notes?
Aaron Sauer said:Update: I have added translation notes for Matthew-Ephesians.
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Dudley Rose said:
Any idea whether or not they plan to add the Old Testament translation notes?
Yes. They plan to release translation notes for all 66 books of the Bible.
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Chris Elford said:
Yes. This is working as intended. The LSB translation notes will show up as in-line notes for your Bible of choice...even if it is not the LSB.
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There is still something not working for me.
I've set it up so that the only Visual Filter showing is the LSB Translation Notes:
I've got the ESV open to Matt 8:2 where I know there is a note about the word "Behold" but the notes are not "syncing":
I scrolled through the Notes to the one on Mt 8:2 and this is what I see:
Any thoughts or actions you'd recommend?
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My guess is that you do indeed need the LSB AND its RI.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
After connecting to the notes, it took my software about 10 minutes for the "LSB Translation Notes" to show up in the VF list. So if you aren't seeing yours right after copying/connecting, give it some is probably a matter of a slow sync.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Others seem to have got it work without the LSB or RI