Copy and Paste Shortcut Disabled?

A recent update seems to have disabled the ability to use "command C" and "command V" for copying and pasting selected text. Is this a permanent change? A feature that I can reenable somehow?
This occurs in all of my books and resources, my sermon documents, search tabs, etc., and it adds a time wasting step every time I am trying to transfer quotes from one place to another.
If anyone knows anything about how to fix this issue, I greatly appreciate the help.
Hi Austin - and welcome to the forums
Austin J. Dosh said:A recent update seems to have disabled the ability to use "command C" and "command V" for copying and pasting selected text.
I've just tried this on my Macbook and it worked as normal. So it may be something to do with your specific installation.
Are you having issues in copying / pasting in other apps?
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Thank you for the help. I have no trouble with copying and pasting in any other apps and Logos has always worked fine until recently.
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Austin J. Dosh said:
I have no trouble with copying and pasting in any other apps and Logos has always worked fine until recently.
Very strange
Are you able to copy by right-clicking and selecting that option from the context menu?
Or from the selection menu if you have that enabled?
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Yes, I am able to copy and paste both ways described (right clicking a selection) or through the selection menu. Both of these copy the text, but the keyboard shortcut (which I am realizing how extensively I used it previously) does not work.
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I wonder if something has "got stuck".
Have you tried restarting Logos?
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I think you said you have restarted your Mac...
Are you on Ventura 13.5 or 13.5.1?
Does Cmd-V paste work in other apps, like TextEdit, the URL line in Safari, pasting a file copied onto the desktop, etc.?
Can you copy text from say a Bible in Logos, then Cmd-V paste it into TextEdit app? If not, after ding the copy, is Paste enabled (not gray) at the Mac's top menu bar under Edit?
Does Cmd-V still show as a shortcut under the Edit menu item at the top menu bar when you are in Logos? And is Paste enabled after you have copied something there?
Check if another app has taken the shortcut...go to The Apple Logo/System Settings/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts button/App Shortcuts. Any app with its own shortcuts is there, along with "ll Applications". See if anyone has commandeered Cmd-V.
That's all I can think of, other than an obscure Logos bug.