Importing Sermons into Sermon Manager

James H. Schafer
James H. Schafer Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
edited November 21 in English Forum

Sorry, this may have been discussed previously, but my searches did not find it.

Is there a way, to import my sermons from Word without getting all the many scripture references I may have used in a single sermon? With the Passages box filled with numerous scriptures, it makes it difficult to filter my sermons. For instance, I imported several sermons into my "1 John" series. I previously had developed 17 sermons in that series. However, when I imported several other sermons from Word on 1 John, the series shows 17, however, I have approximately 50 sermons that populate the 1 John Series.

I'm sorry, this is not making much sense. I just want to import the sermon without all the texts I may have referenced in the body of the sermon. Is there a way???




  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 53,405

    weekly bump of unanswered posts in hopes of getting a response

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • James H. Schafer
    James H. Schafer Member Posts: 59 ✭✭

    Surely there's a way to import a sermon without getting all the scripture references used in that sermon. I file my sermons by TEXT, but getting the scriptures I used throughout the sermon makes it a tedious job to deselect those not wanted for my primary text.


  • Brad
    Brad Member Posts: 927 ✭✭

    James, you can still force the primary text to be specified, in the Sermon Manager tool, for each sermon.  Even if the sermon included multiple passages/verses, you can "tell" Sermon Manager what your primary scripture text was supposed to be.  The sermon manager will automatically allow you to filter by Bible Book.  Does that help you accomplish what you are attempting to do? 

  • James H. Schafer
    James H. Schafer Member Posts: 59 ✭✭

    Thanks, Brad, for your response. I'm not sure how to "tell" Sermon Manager what I want. I imported a sermon from Word, and all the texts I used in that sermon filled the Passages box. So, as a result, my main text is down in the list of passages which does not allow me to specify. Perhaps I don't fully understand how to use the tool. I felt/feel like there has to be a simple way to do what I want. Thanks again!! 

  • Brad
    Brad Member Posts: 927 ✭✭

    Hello James, If I understand correctly, you would have a couple of options here, but it would require a manual process:

    1) Manually remove all "non-main-text" passages in the Passage box by clicking the corresponding "X" to the right of each passage that is not your primary/main text.  When you are finished, only your main text passage should remain in the Passages box.


    2) Empty the Passages box entirely, by clicking every corresponding passage "X," then re-enter ONLY your main text passage in the Passages box.  I would think this might be quicker for sermons including multiple passages, because it wouldn't require any analysis time. [:)]

    Neither process would be automated, but if you begin with your current and recent sermons and work your way back in time, the Sermon Manager could be increasingly helpful for you, as a database.  I wish there were an easier way, but this is all that comes to mind for me.