Got an iPad?

Michael Horibe
Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I am an avid Logos 4 user and contemplating purchasing an iPad. For those of you that have them, what memory capacity did you purchase, do you see the value in them, what are the cons to using one, and would you purchase one again if you had the opportunity for a "do over" as the little boy would say?






  • Robert Mullen
    Robert Mullen Member Posts: 301 ✭✭

    I have a 32 Gig 3G and it has plenty of capacity. I love the form factor and use it exclusively in Church now. I personally think this is a great new development for Bible study on the go.

  • Purchased 16 GB => have 8 GB free with 20 Logos 4 library resources available offline along with Greek and Hebrew videos. Thanks to Logos forums, learned Handbrake useful for reducing video size =>

    Logos 4 needs internet connectivity for: "Search", "Passage Guide", "Bible Word Study", "Text Comparison".  When not connected to Internet, Library shows resources available offline (with airplane icon).  Holman Bible Atlas appears in color on iPad - maps and pictures look good.

    For astronomy, Planets application has 3-D sky view - helpful to "see" constellations (from earthly perspective).

    An iPad disadvantage is many free colorful, fun games (e.g. Harbor Master, Air Hockey Gold, CC Tennis HD, FreeCell, ...).

    Also need to keep cleaning cloth (e.g. microfiber) with iPad - wipe off fingerprints from frequent use.

    For longer battery life, turn off WiFi and Bluetooth - many hours between recharging is nice (especially long airplane flights).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Andrew Hughes
    Andrew Hughes Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    I, like Robert, bought a 32GB w/ 3G and it does have plenty of capacity. For Logos and other reading activities 16GB would suffice... but as has also been pointed out, with the video capabilities and other great apps that exist I'm glad I went with the larger memory size. Being able to put videos like the learning Greek on there and not have to worry about how many I can fit at one time is definitely nice. 


  • Joe Newell
    Joe Newell Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    I bought mine with 64gb because I very much like toting my music and podcast collection mobile with me.  The entirety of my Logos package, even if downloaded offline, would not take up a significant part of that 64gb.

    I did not buy the 3G version as I live rurally and find it's much more enjoyable to access the net from a wireless network.  I did invest in a nice cover for it AND the absolutely priceless Invisible Shield protector for the screen.

    I use it constantly, and that's not hard to accomplish with a battery life of 10-12 hours!  It does not work with Flash-based websites, so I've not seriously thought about selling my computers.  But I might if it did!

  • Michael Horibe
    Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I appreciate all of you who have chimed in on this request. It appears as though everyone is happy with this purchase?[:D]


  • Michael Horibe
    Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭


    If I may ask, what does the data package cost for the 3 G version?



  • Randall Hartman
    Randall Hartman Member Posts: 502 ✭✭

    It works great with Logos but, as I have said several times and repeat again at the risk of coming off like a complaining ninny, my downloaded books often simply disappear.  I understand they are working on the issue and it will somehow just "go away" BUT until that happens the IPad/Logos combo is not much good unless you are using it with internet access. More than once I have downloaded specific books, went to a location w/o internet access, and tried to use Logos via my downloaded books. Sadly, they were gone. (This just happened to me this morning.)   And do not think that going 3G is the complete answer.  I have 3G and I do not always get connectivity.

    BUT, it is a great program and Logos is a great company.  (I hope this last line proves conclusively that I am not a complaining ninny!!) [:D]

  • Michael Horibe
    Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭


    Thanks for your input. Is anyone else experiencing Garrett's frustration?



  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 750 ✭✭✭

    I bought the 32gb wi-fi version.  I have never had less than 19gb free at any time, so I think it has plenty of memory for me.  I have not had any problems with Logos resources disappearing.  I use my iPad mostly for reading books and Logos resources, plus some apps.  I have discovered that I am using my iPad more and more and my computer less and less, though for in depth Bible study, Logos on the desktop is still the way to go, and I'm happy doing it that way and using the Logos iPad app mostly for reading resources.  I keep my music and audio podcasts on my iPod Classic but to put my video podcasts on the iPad.  It's a great way to watch video podcasts and Netflix stuff.  ABC also has a great app for watching their shows free. In also use my iPad most of the time now for email.

  • Alan Charles Gielczyk
    Alan Charles Gielczyk Member Posts: 776 ✭✭

    I have the 32gig, 3G and I love it! I can't wait for highlighting so I can read some of my seminary texts but it is still great. I have several hundred books downloaded and have never had any disappear. There are two data packages, $15/month for 250mb and $25 a month for 2 gb. The beauty of the data packages is no contract, so you can turn it off and on anytime you want. I went on a trip this month and turned on the data so I could use it on the road, I am posting this via 3G in Chicago. Warning, when traveling you will not have 3G much of the trip, A T & T data coverage sucks, but you can connect via Edge just at a much slower speed.

  • Michael Horibe
    Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭



    Thanks for your input. So far, 32 Gigs seems to be adequate.

  • Michael Horibe
    Michael Horibe Member Posts: 10 ✭✭



    Thanks. I agree, AT & T service is lacking. Maybe the rumor that Apple is switching to Verzion for iPhones will include iPads as well.

  • ton verdam
    ton verdam Member Posts: 129 ✭✭

    I have the cheapest one, mainly for LOGOS. I preach from it in Church. And use it in meetings and everything. Even work with it on my desktop PC at home when I am elsewhere...

    No music (hardly, no movies, some pictures) plenty of room with NICOT/NT, WBC, BDAG and some 700 titels, still 50% free space.

    I use a software program Joikuspot (just 10 bucks) on my Nokia to work WiFi with my iPad and it works perfect and fast and saved me the more expensive ipad.

    It should have been invented 30 or so years ago...

  • Brent Hoefling
    Brent Hoefling Member Posts: 597 ✭✭

    The smallest one should be plenty, for Logos use.  the exception is if you downloaded all your library locally, and then you would have to have thousands of resources.  I do have the 32g, but I also have a bunch of videos and other books (non-logos) loaded as well.  yes, I have about a hundred or so from Olivetree Bible Reader.  their split screen and highlighting etc is heads and shoulders above CURRENT mobile logos.

    so, the bottom line that it depends on what ELSE you want to have on your ipad in addition to logos. :)