Request: Enable Sermon Content to be Designated as BOTH Text and Handout

Matt Doebler
Matt Doebler Member Posts: 186 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Please vote for Logos to bring more simplicity to the Sermon Editor workflow by allowing the user to mark the same content for both Text and Handout.

As it currently exists, designating a content block as Handout (so that it appears on the handout) excludes it from the Text document (which is marketed as a preaching/manuscript document). This either/or behavior creates unnecessary redundancy when building a sermon.

For example, let's say I want to use one of those 1 million quotes that is in the Popular Quotes database. Let's say that I want it to show up in both my sermon "text" document and in the "Handout" document. To do that, I've got to import the quote twice into the sermon editor. Once so that it will show up in the manuscript and a second time so I can mark it for the handout.

Vote for Logos to give us more efficiency with the Sermon Editor tool by changing this either/or behavior!



  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭

    What is marked as handout still appears in preaching mode.  I just highlight what I have marked as handout with the green highlight so I know that point is in the handout.  

    I just make the current system work for me.  

  • Matt Doebler
    Matt Doebler Member Posts: 186 ✭✭

    Thanks, Kenneth.  I know that there are always workarounds.  I'm just requesting that Logos modify the Handout designation behavior slightly so that all blocks of content (particularly Normal text and Blockquote) can be included in the Handout without excluding them from the Text (manuscript) document.  It seems like a fairly intuitive request with much potential to increase user efficiency and decrease user frustration.