BUG: Layout on-screen vs. Layout Menu are out of sync

Doug Wesney
Doug Wesney Member Posts: 23
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Using Mac OS 11 and just updated to Logos 10 v30.0.32 this morning.

When I launch Logos, what I see on-screen (UX/UI) is Layout A. But the checkbox in the Layout icon drop-down menu is Layout B. If I choose Layout A in the menu, what's on-screen continues to be the same thing. And if I then click Layout B, it changes appropriately to Layout B. From this point on menu and UX/UI remain in-sync. Big Smile

However, where this has killed me a few times is I update contents for Layout A on screen (UX/UI), but don't notice that the check-mark is on Layout B. So when I click "Update Active" (or use the keyboard shortcut), Layout B gets overwritten by the UX/UI which was Layout A...! Surprise Crying 

Fortunately, I can scroll back to restore Layout B from an older view, but this is a silly bug that should be fixed.Yes

And if this has happened to you on a few occasions and you're asking yourself, "Why in the world does Layout B look exactly like Layout A???" now you know! Beer



  • Savanna Lineberger
    Savanna Lineberger Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 769

    Hi Doug, 

    I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue, but thank you for your report. I will take a look into this.