Android Latest Update (30.0.0) Makes Navigation Worse

Latest update on Android makes already less than optimal navigation even worse. It now takes an additional tap before I can start to enter a reference. 1 tap to open the navigation pane. 2 tap in the reference box. 3 tap on the blank line to enter a passage. A few versions back all you had to do was tap in the reference box and start typing.
I have 2 requests:
- There needs to be an option to prevent the navigation pane from autohiding
- Opening the traditional gui reference selector needs to be separated from typing in a reference like it was before
Incidentally, I like the new parallel bibles button in the navigation pane.
Another useful feature would be to make the text comparison tool more readily available. Often someone starts reading aloud and I want to read along in whatever version they are using but I am not sure which it is. Having the text comparison readily available I could quickly scan across multiple versions and select from that.
Oh. I forgot to mention that on my tablet I have to use the physical keyboard to enter a reference now because the on screen keyboard does not show the return key. Instead it shows the next field key making it impossible to bring up the reference. It does this with multiple different on screen keyboards.
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With the new version, if you want to type your reference, you tap the search button next to the reference box. Step 3 is due to a bug on Android and is only necessary sometimes. We'll have a fix for that shortly.
I feel your pain about trying to figure out which version someone is using!Wit The quickest way to do that at the moment, is to tap on the verse, then tap on the Compare button in your Bible.
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Thanks. Clicking the search is one tap quicker but it is not intuitive that that's what you need to do. It would still be really nice to be able to pin the navigation bar, though, to eliminate one more tap. I have seen others asking for the same.
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As far as the autohide on the navigation bar - I understand, but I do like having the extra real-estate that it takes up, especially when reading and such.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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YES!!! I totally agree with you! These changes are LONG overdue.