separation between Judaism and Christianity

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How can I locate materials on the examination of the separation between Judaism and Christianity in the first, second, third, and fourth centuries AD using Logos Bible Software? Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity: Expanded Edition looks pretty good to my study but I am not sure. Any thoughts? 



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,015

    Use the tools you were given earlier on the subject of Judaism, although "separation" is not the term to use.

    Search "Judaism" in the Early Church Fathers for a quick picture of the relationship.

    There is a Search in Factbook  under Judaism and the New Testament that you can adapt to a Books Search.


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  • Douglas Magill
    Douglas Magill Member Posts: 1

    If you want to learn about Christianity and Judaism, I would suggest you read and download the following free e-books and articles,

    You have to understand that the Biblical faith of the Apostles (Sh'lichim) is Jewish, it was anti-Semitic Gentiles that attempted to strip it and The Lord Jesus The Messiah (Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiach) of their Jewishness. Jesus never came to start a new religion called Christianity, Christianity is the invention of Gentile believers, while Messianic Judaism is what most Jewish believers in Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiach practice, Messianic Judaism is the original Nazarene sect of Judaism of the first century and it is still practiced today by Jewish believers in Adonai Yehoshua HaMashiach. Yehoshua (Jesus) is a Jew and the Biblical faith of the Sh'lichim (Apostles) is Jewish.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,503

    Welcome to the forums and thank you for the links. I assume that you know the forums are for discussing Logos resources and software. The external links are fine but the theological appendage is outside the company's intent for the forums.

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    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,071 ✭✭✭✭

    How can I locate materials on the examination of the separation between Judaism and Christianity in the first, second, third, and fourth centuries AD using Logos Bible Software? Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life in Intertestamental Judaism and Early Christianity: Expanded Edition looks pretty good to my study but I am not sure. Any thoughts? 

    The near equivalent book in Logos: Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins: Diversity, Continuity, and Transformation (Nickelsburg; about 4 years earlier).  One of its benefits is the emphasis on 'diversity' ... in early Judaism ... and early Christianity.  Be careful of broad-brushing 2,000 years later.

    Searching the Fathers (as above) will get you one side of the picture.  Searching the Talmud will hint at the other perspective.

    Here's the TOC for the Logos book:





    The Renewed Study of Early Judaism

    Implications for the Study of Christian Origins




    The Task and Scope of This Book

    1. Scripture and Tradition

    The Situation in Early Judaism

    The Extent of the Authoritative Corpus

    Manuscripts from the Caves of the Judean Desert

    The Components of the Canon

    The Developing Text of the Hebrew Bible

    Scripture in Its Interpretive Context

    The “Rewritten Bible”: The Rise of Haggadah

    Interpretation of the Prophetic Texts

    The Servant of the Lord: A Multivalent Symbol


    Scripture in the Early Church

    The Biblical Canon of the Early Church

    The Text of Scripture

    Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church

    The Church Read Scripture within Its Traditional Interpretations

    The Use of Rabbinic Traditions in New Testament Exegesis

    Jewish Precedents for the Rise and Development of the Jesus Tradition

    The Creation of Narrative Haggadah about Jesus

    The Development of the Synoptic Tradition

    Disagreements over the Bible and Its Interpretation: A Cause for “Unbelief”

    2. Torah and the Righteous Life

    A Theological Problem for the Church

    Torah in the Hebrew Scriptures

    The Covenantal Context of Torah

    Torah as Instruction Rather Than Simply Law

    The Prevalence of Torah and Covenant in the Hebrew Scriptures

    The Wisdom Literature: A Special Case

    Divine Justice and Grace

    Torah and the Righteous Life in Early Judaism

    The Role of Torah during the Antiochan Persecution

    Faith and Obedient Action in the Jewish Texts

    Torah and the Wisdom Tradition

    Wisdom apart from the Mosaic Torah

    Who Are “the Righteous” and “the Sinners”?

    Summary: What the Texts Indicate and Do Not Indicate

    The Development of Halakah and the Rise of Sectarianism

    A Note on Rabbinic Halakic Texts

    The Heritage of Deuteronomic Theology: The Dynamics of Lawmaking and Legal Interpretation in the Book of Jubilees

    Enochic Law

    The Sectarian Torah of Qumran

    Sect and Revealed Torah

    Halakah as the Updating of Torah

    Summary: The Responsibility to Act Righteously

    Torah and Grace in Judaism

    Torah and the Righteous Life in Early Christianity

    Divine Judgment on the Basis of Human Deeds

    Justification and the Righteous Life in Paul

    A Spectrum of Early Christian Attitudes about the Torah

    Paul’s Christian Predecessors and Contemporaries

    Torah and Halakah in the Synoptic Jesus Tradition

    Wisdom Instruction and the Righteous Life

    Hellenistic Models for New Testament Ethical Instruction

    The Synoptics and Paul: Christological Models and Ethical Teaching


    3. God’s Activity in Behalf of Humanity

    Models in Jewish Texts

    Deliverance Is a Pervasive Motif

    Two Major Developments

    The Cosmic Character of Evil

    Locating Decisive Deliverance in the Eschaton

    Salvation from Sin and Its Consequences

    The Sacrificial System

    Exilic Alternatives to the Sacrificial System

    Continuations of These Developments

    Suffering as Scourging, Discipline, or Chastisement

    Martyrdom as Expiation and Propitiation

    Righteous Deeds as a Means of Atonement

    Prayers of Confession

    Eschatological Cleansing and a Heavenly High Priest

    Salvation from One’s Enemies

    Eschatological Judgment and Deliverance

    Salvation within History

    A Tension between Ideologies and Ambiguity about the Eschaton

    Healing and Rescue from Death

    Salvation as Revelation

    The Scope of Divine Blessing and Salvation

    A Spectrum of Biblical Attitudes

    Salvation for the Nations

    Israel versus the Nations

    Interpretations of Idols and Idolatry

    Sectarian Judaism

    God’s Interaction with Humanity according to Early Christianity

    Salvation from Sin

    Jesus’ Death for Others

    Attitudes about the Temple

    Salvation through Repentance

    The Humanity of the Son of God and the Transcendence of His Spirit: A Solution for the Anthropological Problem of Sin

    Rescue from One’s Enemies

    Salvation as Healing

    Salvation as Revelation

    The Scope of Salvation

    Sectarianism in the Context of Universalism


    4. Agents of God’s Activity

    God’s Agents in Early Judaism

    When God Acts Alone

    Human Agents

    The King

    The High Priest and Cult

    Prophets and Revealer Figures

    Transcendent Agents

    The Holy Watchers: Attendants and Agents of the Heavenly King

    The Four or Seven Holy Watchers

    Witnesses, Scribes, Intercessors

    Executors of God’s Judgment

    General of the Army

    God’s High Priest


    Raphael: God’s Healer

    Messengers and Interpreters

    Facilitators of Righteousness

    Guardians and Governors of the Cosmos

    God’s Vice-Regent: “One Like a Son of Man”

    Two Major Transcendent Figures


    The Enochic Son of Man/Chosen One/Righteous One

    The Lord’s Persecuted and Exalted Spokesman: A Synthesis and Transition


    Early Christian Speculation about Jesus

    Jesus as God’s Unique Agent

    New Testament Models of the Messiah

    Davidic King

    Anointed Priest

    Son of Man

    The Righteous One and Servant of the Lord

    God’s Spokesman, the Mouthpiece of Wisdom

    The Incarnation of Preexistent Wisdom and Logos

    Philippians 2:6–11: A Problematic Text

    The Gospel according to Mark: Son of Man and Son of God

    Jesus as Healer

    The Exaltation of Jesus: The Foundation of Christology

    Jewish “Unbelief”

    Jesus’ “Messianic Consciousness”


    5. Eschatology

    The Bible’s Developing Eschatological Tendency

    Jeremiah and Ezekiel

    Second and Third Isaiah

    The Legacy of Prophecy

    Jewish Writings of the Greco-Roman Period

    The Apocalypses in 1 Enoch and Daniel

    Teleology and the Fulfillment of Prophecy

    Pseudepigraphic Apocalypses and the Fulfillment of Prophecy

    Qumran: An Eclectic, Eschatologically Oriented Community

    The Eschatology of Some Heavily Hellenized Jewish Texts

    Eschatology: A Common Horizon Seen from Many Points of View

    Variations on a Common Theme


    The Kingdom of God

    Resurrection, Immorality, and Eternal Life

    The Locus of the New Age

    The Distinction between Eschatology and Apocalypticism

    Eschatological Timetables

    Realized Eschatology

    The Lack of Explicit Eschatology


    The Eschatological Orientation of Early Christianity

    John the Baptist—Herald of the End Time

    When the End Is Not Yet the End

    The Tension between Present and Future in the Early Jesus Tradition

    Fulfillment and Expectation in the Epistles of Paul

    The Presence of Eschatological Realities in the Post-Pauline Tradition

    Fulfillment and Postponement in Luke

    The Presence of Judgment and Eternal Life in the Fourth Gospel

    Resurrection, Immortality, and Eternal Life

    The Resurrection and Exaltation of Jesus

    Modes of Resurrection and Eternal Life

    The Locus of Final Salvation

    Jewish Responses to the Gospel: A Noneschatological Horizon


    6. Contexts and Settings

    Ancient Texts as Historical Artifacts

    Responses to Troubled Times

    Geographic Location

    Judaism and Hellenism

    Temple, Cult, and Priesthood

    The Synagogue

    Religious Groups



    The Pharisees

    The Sadducees

    The Essenes and the Qumran Community

    The Hasidim

    Other Groups, Communities, and Sects


    Variety among Jewish Groups and Sects

    Early Christianity and Its Relationship to Sectarian Judaism

    7. Conclusions and Implications

    Diversity within Early Judaism and Early Christianity: A Comparison

    Scripture and Tradition

    Torah and the Righteous Life

    God’s Activity in Behalf of Humanity

    Agents of God’s Activity


    Contexts and Settings

    Judaism and Early Christianity: Where They Differed and Why They Parted

    The Consequences of These Events

    The Curious Irony of Gentile Christian Exclusivism

    The Triumph of Christianity without the Torah

    A Denigrating Comparison of Judaism and Christianity

    The Backwash of Christian Apocalyptic Eschatology

    Looking to the Future: Some Possibilities

    Three Axioms for Exegetical and Historical Study

    Exegetical and Historical Possibilities

    Theological and Practical Consequences

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.