Search Biblical People-Roles

John Brumett
John Brumett Member Posts: 297 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I noticed in the Biblical People Dataset Documentation that there are 70 unique roles for Biblical People. How do I search in my Bible for these?

Roles: A religious, social, or political role played by multiple people. There are 70 unique roles in this dataset, including:
• Administrator: A person who manages other people or an organization adviser
• Adviser, Counselor: A person who gave advice or counseling. Wisdom and experience are the main qualifications to be an advisor rather than specific expertise.
• Apostle: A leader of the early church who was sent by Jesus to bring the Gospel to others.
• Assistant: A person who gave support, aid, or relief to another.
• Author of biblical book: The author of a biblical book. Traditional authors are included in this list.
• Carpenter: A craftsman who made or repaired wooden objects.
• Centurion: The military leader of one hundred soldiers in the Roman army.
• Chamberlain: The guardian of the royal chamber.
• Chief officer: The head of a set of officials. This is normally referred to in relation to positions in the temple.
• Chief priest:A leading official of the priesthood in Jerusalem. A chief priest had a rank similar to aristocracy.
• Chief: The leader or head of a group or organization, usually in regard to a clan or tribe.
• Church leader, Worker in the church: A person who actively worked in a leadership position in the Christian church.
• City gatekeeper: A person who guarded the entrance to the city.
• Commander, General: A high ranking military officer.
• Coppersmith: A workman who made articles from copper.
• Court official: A person who held an administrative function in the court.
• Craftsman, Artisan: A skilled worker who dealt in various trades.
• Cupbearer: A trusted official who served drinks to royalty.
• Diplomat, Ambassador, Envoy: An official who represents one government in its dealings with another, often to gain peace.
• Disciple: A person who followed and adhered to the teachings of another.
• Emperor: The male ruler of an empire.
• Eunuch: A chamberlain of a household frequently in charge of the women’s quarters. A eunuch was often but not always emasculated.
• Evangelist:Any person who spread the Christian gospel.
• Farmer, Husbandman: One who farmed land or owned farm land, whether fields, orchards or vineyards.
• Fisherman: A person who caught fish as an occupation.
• Goldsmith: A workman who specialized in fine gold work.
• Governor: The head of a state or region.
• High priest: The leading Jewish priest, who administered and directed the sacrificial system.
• Hunter: A person who hunted animals as an occupation.
• Judge: A person who dispensed justice and punished evil, with political, military, and spiritual authority.
• King: The male monarch of a major territorial unit.
• Lawyer: One who practiced civil law. This is different than a religious scribe or expert in Mosaic law, which is often translated as “lawyer” as well.
• Leader: A higher official or someone recognized to be in control. This can refer to a variety of leadership positions.
• Levite: An official of the Jewish religion who was descended from Levi and therefore had religious responsibilities related to worship in temple. Levites were technically different from priests because they were not descendants of Aaron.
• Magician, Sorcerer: A person who claimed to have supernatural powers such as foretelling the future.
• Merchant: A person who bought and sold goods for profit.
• Messiah: The Messiah.
• Minister: A regional or national leader who dispenses justice.
• Musician: A performer of music, often with an instrument.
• Patriarch: The male head of a family, tribe, or group of people.
• Physician, Doctor: A person skilled in healing the sick.
• Priest: A person who performed sacred rites of a religion and acted as a mediator between humanity and a deity.
• Prince: The son or close relative of a monarch. A prince can also refer to a minor ruler.
• Proconsul: The governor of a Roman province which did not require a standing army.
• Prophet, Seer: A person who spoke divinely inspired messages. In biblical times, a prophet was a recognized formal role, but sometimes acted outside formal structures.
• Prostitute: A person who engaged in sexual activities in exchange for payment, often a woman.
• Queen: The female ruler or monarch of a major region.
• Rabbi: An honorific title given by the Jews to a respected teacher of the Law.
• Recorder: An officer of high rank similar to a scribe or secretary, but with responsibilities for creating and maintaining official records.
• Religious leader: A person with any leadership position in a given religion.
• Sacred prostitute: A person who provided sexual activities as part of religious worship.
• Scribe: A member of the learned class in biblical times with responsibilities for studying the Hebrew Scriptures who served as copyist, editor, teacher, or jurist.
• Secretary: A person in a clerical position who copies manuscripts and takes dictation.
• Servant: A person that performs duties in the employ of another, often in the household. Slaves and servants were very similar in the biblical world.
• Shepherd: A caretaker or owner of sheep and goats.
• Silversmith: A workman who makes articles from silver.
• Singer: A person who sang with skill.
• Slave: An involuntary servant of another who was owned as property. Slaves and servants were very similar in the biblical world.
• Soldier, Warrior: A skilled warrior, or someone engaged in military service.
• Psalmist: The author of one or more psalms or biblical songs.
• Spokesman: A skillful public speaker, often a professional orator.
• Steward: A person who was employed to oversee the affairs of another.
• Synagogue Ruler:A person chosen to provide for the material needs of the synagogue.
• Tanner: A craftsman who worked with leather.
• Tax-collector, Publican: A person who collected taxes for the government.
• Teacher: An educator of others, often instructing people in the law.
• Temple gatekeeper:A temple servant responsible for the care and protection of the temple, occasionally with other religious duties such as monetary collections.
• Tentmaker: An artisan who made tents from cloth.
• Tetrarch: The ruler of a fourth part of a province.
• Treasurer: An official in charge of financial resources.

Jessica Parks, Biblical People Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2021).

For example: All the High Priests in the Bible 




  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,502

    This is data recently added to the rather old Biblical people Bible knowledge records. I don't believe that it is accessible in a search although it should be. Make a suggestion on

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • John Brumett
    John Brumett Member Posts: 297 ✭✭

    The concordance includes many of these. I wish the concordance results would be available in a search. 

  • John Brumett
    John Brumett Member Posts: 297 ✭✭

    It is interesting I found this old search in the NKJV but don't know where this came from or if there are any more examples.  


    This one also works:


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,019

    It is interesting I found this old search in the NKJV but don't know where this came from or if there are any more examples.  


    This one also works:


    This comes from another dataset - the Prophets, Priests, Regents, and Judges: Dataset

    If you have this dataset, the documentation describes the various keywords 

    (The search information is in L9 format as opposed to L10)

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,014

    I noticed in the Biblical People Dataset Documentation that there are 70 unique roles for Biblical People. How do I search in my Bible for these?

    You can enter a keyword into a Search and get suggestions for persons who fulfill that role e.g. tetrach.

    More satisfyingly, you can enter a key word into Factbook and click the Topic suggestion  e.g. Treasurer. Then click on the Search link under More and switch to a Bible Search.

    For some (e.g. Tax collector), you may have to switch to another datatype e.g. Person or Cultural Ontology (Search for the latter will also involve a Topic term).


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