Floating the Exegetical Guide

The ability to float reports and guides is one of the best new features in L4.
Is it possible to open linked resources within the floating panel?
Stephen Miller
I re-read my post and I was not very clear about what I meant.
Do this ....
Open an Exegetical Guide in a floating panel.
Go to Word by Word.
Now double click one of the resources eg BDAG.
It opens in the Logos 4 window .... not the floating panel.
Can I open it in the floating panel and so do everything in the one panel?
Thank you
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StephenMiller02 said:
Can I open it in the floating panel and so do everything in the one panel?
The best way I know of to make sure a link opens in a specific location is to drag the link to the location you want. Every link in L4 that I have found is drag-able.
I would love to see a right click option on a pane that would allow you to set it to receive links. Better yet, right clicking to the right of the tabs would give 4 option 1)open commentaries by default, 2)open lexicons by default, 3)open guides by default, and 4)open others by default.
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Right click open floating would be nice. Until then can't you just open it and then right click the tab and open in floating window. Extra step, but works.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Kevin A. Purcell said:
Right click open floating would be nice. Until then can't you just open it and then right click the tab and open in floating window. Extra step, but works.
My understanding is that he already had a floating window that he wanted to open new links into. I could have misunderstood. If your right click...open in floating doesn't it open in a new floating window rather then a pre-existant one.
I had another thought...give the ability to name window panes then have a right click option of "Open in X pane."
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Philip Spitzer said:
My understanding is that he already had a floating window that he wanted to open new links into. I could have misunderstood. If your right click...open in floating doesn't it open in a new floating window rather then a pre-existant one.
I had another thought...give the ability to name window panes then have a right click option of "Open in X pane."
This area hasn't received much consideration from the design team:
- "open" operations & right click "open in new tab" do so in the main window - should open in the floating window
- so you have to drag the link to open in floating window
- "open" operations then stick to floating window but "open in new tab" goes to the main window
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window! It doesn't make sense to change focus between windows! "open in floating window" or "Float this panel" should continue to open a new window.
Suggestions for re-using tabs should also apply in context - no operation should switch to another window unless explicitly requested.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:Philip Spitzer said:
My understanding is that he already had a floating window that he wanted to open new links into. I could have misunderstood. If your right click...open in floating doesn't it open in a new floating window rather then a pre-existant one.
I had another thought...give the ability to name window panes then have a right click option of "Open in X pane."
This area hasn't received much consideration from the design team:
- "open" operations & right click "open in new tab" do so in the main window - should open in the floating window
- so you have to drag the link to open in floating window
- "open" operations then stick to floating window but "open in new tab" goes to the main window
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window! It doesn't make sense to change focus between windows! "open in floating window" or "Float this panel" should continue to open a new window.
Suggestions for re-using tabs should also apply in context - no operation should switch to another window unless explicitly requested.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Dave Hooton said:
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window!
What about those who have two floating windows? and what about when you have multiple panes open in a single floating window. Which Pane does it open in? it could be as simple as a way of marking one pane as the default to which all tabs open. There needs to be some way of indicating which pane will receive tabs by default.
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Philip Spitzer said:Dave Hooton said:
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window!
What about those who have two floating windows? and what about when you have multiple panes open in a single floating window. Which Pane does it open in? it could be as simple as a way of marking one pane as the default to which all tabs open. There needs to be some way of indicating which pane will receive tabs by default.
I had in mind multiple windows when I emphasised operations should default to current window. Please read what I said. All other forum suggestions would be accommodated in that context eg.
"open" ==> in current window (whether a menu choice or single click "open")
"open in nominated pane" ==> could offer a choice of nominated/marked pane in current window (default) or a similar pane in another window(s)
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
This area hasn't received much consideration from the design team:
- "open" operations & right click "open in new tab" do so in the main window - should open in the floating window
- so you have to drag the link to open in floating window
- "open" operations then stick to floating window but "open in new tab" goes to the main window
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window! It doesn't make sense to change focus between windows! "open in floating window" or "Float this panel" should continue to open a new window.
Suggestions for re-using tabs should also apply in context - no operation should switch to another window unless explicitly requested.
These suggestions have not received any attention from Logos!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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what would be great is also to be able to "pin" an open window on top of other windows no matter where the clicking is happening.I use "deskpins" at the moment to do this; a freeware 3rd party utility but it would be cool to have Logos do it.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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Dave Hooton said:Dave Hooton said:
When I choose to work in a floating window I like to have all operations default to the floating window! It doesn't make sense to change focus between windows! "open in floating window" or "Float this panel" should continue to open a new window.
Suggestions for re-using tabs should also apply in context - no operation should switch to another window unless explicitly requested.
These suggestions have not received any attention from Logos!
The current behaviour is pretty annoying; I'll make sure a bug is filed on this issue.
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Bradley Grainger said:
The current behaviour is pretty annoying; I'll make sure a bug is filed on this issue.
Thanks, Bradley.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:Bradley Grainger said:
The current behaviour is pretty annoying; I'll make sure a bug is filed on this issue.
Thanks, Bradley.
This should be fixed in the current release (RC1); please let us know if it's still not working properly,
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Bradley Grainger said:
This should be fixed in the current release (RC1); please let us know if it's still not working properly,
Where there is an "open in new tab" link it works but where a single click is the only option it opens in the main window. I didn't envision a new command being necessary, just that the standard "open", whether single click or context command, would default to the current window.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Bradley Grainger said:Dave Hooton said:Bradley Grainger said:
The current behaviour is pretty annoying; I'll make sure a bug is filed on this issue.
Thanks, Bradley.
This should be fixed in the current release (RC1); please let us know if it's still not working properly,
I have RC2 and tried some links from a couple of resources in floating windows and with one with clippings. All went to the main window.