Import Markdown Notes so that they are linked to the Bible Verses

Joshua Hürzeler
Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7
edited November 2024 in English Forum

A few years back when I didn't knew of logos I read the whole bible and made also some notes in Onenote which I could export in Markdown. It would be great to have them in Logos linked with the bible. Is there a way to import them? 

It is in plaintext and one file could contain up to three bible chapter. On one line it is the bible verse remarks in german and then one or more paragraphs with notes to that chapter. 

I have the silver version of Logos. 

For example: 

2. Mose 12

Das Passamal und der Auszug aus Ägypten. In jeder Famile stsrb ein reines Lamm anstelle der Familie und so wurden Sie gerettet. Dieses Fest wurde von Gott verordnet und wird heute noch genau so ausgeführt von den Juden. Alle erstgeborenen der Ägypter starben und eine riese Trauer war im Land. Der Pharao vertrieb nun regelrechtdie Israeliter ubd man gab ihnen alles worum diese baten. So plünderten Sie Ägypten aus. Das was Gott sagte wurde war. Es geschah genauso. Wir benötigen das Passafest nicht, da wir gerettet sind von Jesus. Er war unser Lamm.

Psalm 66-67

Gott hat schon so viel tolles getan und ist bei uns. Darum lohnt es sich zu Workshippen, ihn zu loben und preisen. Gott ist der Grösste und wir müssen seine Sünde vor ihm bekennen und er wird die mir vergeben. Es bringt nichts ein Handel mit Gott einzugehen. Gott ist Gnädig und hat uns etwas grosses geschenkt. Darum lohnt es sich Gott zu loben.



  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Is there a way to import them?

    Welcome to the forum,

    1) Logos automatically recognizes short, medium, and long Bible References as in the English Language.

    2) There is no easy way to import plain text into notes.

    3) It is possible to import word.docx files into Sermon Builder.

    4) It is possible to create a Personal Book (help) that automatically link Bible references to Bibles (see syntax help).

    5) It is possible to import BibleWorks Notes (help).

    6) The more complicated way but doable is with ui automation.

    I would advise to use Personal Book Builder because it would be the fastest way to get those notes into Logos and make them searchable and linked. The downside is that they won't be editable inside Logos, they will function as any other Resource.

    Hope this helps.

  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Example Personal Book Builder

    Sample 1: Bible Reference Plain Linked (help)

    [[Psalm 66-67]]

    Gott hat schon so viel tolles getan und ist bei uns. Darum lohnt es sich zu Workshippen, ihn zu loben und preisen. Gott ist der Grösste und wir müssen seine Sünde vor ihm bekennen und er wird die mir vergeben. Es bringt nichts ein Handel mit Gott einzugehen. Gott ist Gnädig und hat uns etwas grosses geschenkt. Darum lohnt es sich Gott zu loben.

    Sample 2: Bible Reference with Surface Text on the left and Reference on the right (help)

    [[Psalm 66-67 >> Psalm 66-67]]

    Gott hat schon so viel tolles getan und ist bei uns. Darum lohnt es sich zu Workshippen, ihn zu loben und preisen. Gott ist der Grösste und wir müssen seine Sünde vor ihm bekennen und er wird die mir vergeben. Es bringt nichts ein Handel mit Gott einzugehen. Gott ist Gnädig und hat uns etwas grosses geschenkt. Darum lohnt es sich Gott zu loben.


    1. download this sample document: 7737.Example.docx
    2. Save it to a location where it can stay forever. If I'm correct a docx file on your system at a location functions as a license for the file.
    3. Open Personal Book Builder in Logos
    4. Click Add, top left
    5. Fill in the Meta Data
    6. Add the File
    7. Click Build
    8. The Book will open automatically
  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,153

    Welcome Joshua,

    I fully support the advise you got from P.J. and would suggest you go for the Personal Book. If you want to, you can build your own bible commentary that way - but in fact you don't need to. Even the syntax with the brackets around bible references is not actually needed - I simply copy-pasted your text from above into an empty Word document (NB: any free alternative will do that is able to save in *.docx format) 3124.For example.docx and compiled the Personal Book in language German - which is the correct way for German language text, but moreover will allow auto-detection of German language bible-references like "2. Mose 12" without adding syntax - works like a charm:


    EDIT: the five easy steps to have your Personal Book, once you opened the tool from the menu / the link P.J. gave:

    1. click button "Add book"
    2. give it a name
    3. set the language (if different than the one you are running Logos under)
    4. click button "Add file" and select your source file in the usual file open dialog
    5. click button "Build book"


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Joshua Hürzeler
    Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7

    Thank you so much for the reply. I tried a smaller Bible diary i made and exported it from Onenote to docx and just try to import it without making any change. It seems also to work with german references. It automatically linked the bible reference.

    I try now if it will aslo find it as commentray

  • Joshua Hürzeler
    Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7

    2024-01-20 12-59

    How i can find my book in the assistant? It not showing up in own content or in commentary. I added it as type commentary to the personal book libary. Do i need for that the custom syntax and modify the pdf so it will be found or can i enforce indexing of the personal book?

    I want not just link from the note to the bible. More important i want to find my old notes if i read a bible text and open the text assistant. I found in the personal syntax the milestones like [[@Bible:John 1:1]]. Would prefer if i could just import.

  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭
    1. You need to open your Library
    2. Search for Title:"Bibeltagebuch Youthcollege"
    3. Open Prioritize Books
    4. Drag and drop your Personal Book to the Top
    5. Try the Passage Guide again

    Using Milestones you can set a Linkset on your Bible and "Bibeltagebuch Youthcollege" (PB) and it  will automatically follow your bible.

    You need to add the docx in PBB as "Bible Commentary" and you need to use [[@Bible:John 1:1]] syntax to let the Resource give you the option to give you the Referencebox at the top left of your resource.

  • Joshua Hürzeler
    Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7

    Thank you. It works, so i need to add manually this [[@Bible:]] markings. If i add those it shows up in the commentary. So i need to do it manually or write a script for autmatically add those. Will be a bit of work, but i guess it worth it so i find my old notes.

    Here a example. That works:

    Matthäus 12, 15-21 [[@Bible:Matthäus 12,15-21]]

    Mittwoch, 23. September 2015



    Jesus hat den Ort verlassen, bei dem er einen Mann am Sabbat geheilt hat, da die Pharisäer ihn verachten. Viele Menschen folgten ihm und er heilte sie. Ja diese Eigenschaft kennen wir von Jesus, also ist dies nichts besonders. Was aber danach kommt ist besonders. Jesus sagt, sie sollen

    This only links the bible verse but not showing up in the commentary section:

    Matthäus 13, 44-46

    Mittwoch, 30. September 2015


    Zweimal handelt es sich um die gleiche Geschichte. Ein Mann findet etwas wertvolles und verkauft schlussendlich alles was er hat um dieses eine Wertvolle zu kaufen.

    But did i see it correctly. Now if i hover on a verse it does not show up anymore the Verse with my standard bible it shows the comment:
    2024-01-20 15-31

    Is there a setting to change that?

  • Joshua Hürzeler
    Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7

    But More importantly another question: How i can find this books in the Logos app? I only see it in the desktop but using the iPad App for daily reading. In the libary the device section is missing. Else the effort may not be worth it to make my diary logos compatible.

  • Yasmin Stephen
    Yasmin Stephen Member Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭

    Personal books are only available on the desktop.

  • Joshua Hürzeler
    Joshua Hürzeler Member Posts: 7

    Is there any plan to change that? 

    Else it maybe better to manually import everything as note so I also have it on mobile. 

  • Yasmin Stephen
    Yasmin Stephen Member Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭

    Is there any plan to change that?

    Only Faithlife can say for certain, but the consensus around here is no; you'll find reasons for that if you care to search the forums.

    Else it maybe better to manually import everything as note so I also have it on mobile.

    If you want them on the mobile apps, that would probably be best.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    But did i see it correctly. Now if i hover on a verse it does not show up anymore the Verse with my standard bible it shows the comment:
    Is there a setting to change that?

    Make sure your bibles are Prioritized higher than your commentaries.


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