Jesus replaces or fulfills temple

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am looking at how Jesus replaces or fulfills the Temple. I did a Greek Word Study on both terms and have read some work on the subject. Alan Kerr, The Temple of Jesus’ Body: The Temple Theme in the Gospel of John (JSNTSup 220; Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 2002). page, 131. Kerr admits that it is “an open question” whether Jesus replaces or fulfills the Temple, “Replacement carries with it the idea that there has been a radical disjunction. Onething has been removed and another put in its place. This is in effect what happened with the Temple…. On the other hand, John speaks of the scriptures finding fulfillment in Jesus…. I think it depends on emphasis. Where John wants to stress the radicality of the new beginning in the Word made flesh, replacement is the better word. However, where the accent falls on the outworking of the purpose of the Torah, fulfillment is the better word” (133 n. 80) I am looking to how this has been developed. How can I use Logos to determine this? 

