Bug!! Verse in Passage List doesn't link

xnman Member Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I searched and could not find this reported.... but in Android Mobile, latest version... when I have my bible open and then open a Passage List.... and have verses listed that show up in "blue" in dark mode... when I tap on the verse it does not go to that verse in my bible.

Anyone else have this issue?

Also.... is there a way to show "Full" meaning it shows the full verse in the Passage List in Android Mobile? Or vice versa "Compact" whereby it just shows the chapter verse only?


Edit: Logs sent.

xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!



  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭

    Logos responded via email.... fix coming soon!

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!